Glasgow Children’s University Graduation Ceremony

Earlier this week, Scotland’s Enterprising Schools had the privilege of attending the Glasgow Children’s University graduation ceremony and witnessing first-hand the impact of this incredible organisation.

The families and friends of the graduates from schools across Glasgow filled the University of Strathclyde’s Barony Hall as the children were capped by Principal Professor Sir Jim McDonald in a formal graduation ceremony.

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Children’s University recognises achievement and celebrates learning that takes place outside of normal school hours. Children aged 7 to 14 (and 5 and 6 year olds with their families) gain credits for taking part in activities such as after-school clubs, drama groups, sports teams or learning experiences at museums, parks and community centres.

Children’s University believes that learning need not be purely academic and that it can be about building practical and personal skills.

The young graduands (now graduates!) received bronze, silver and gold awards and certificates for completing their respective levels of extracurricular activity.

Upon joining CU, children are given a Passport to Learning which they use to collect credits for participating in specific activities. Children can ‘travel’ with their Passport to Learning to a wide range of CU Learning Destinations where they build up their credits, and receive CU awards and certificates in recognition of their commitment to learning, their perseverance and their achievements outside school.

Glasgow Children’s University was the first local Children’s University centre to be established in Scotland under the umbrella of Children’s University Trust Scotland.  It is managed by the University of Strathclyde in partnership with Glasgow City Council, member schools and other organisations.