Emma Robertson

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Personal Reflection Digital Technologies – Movie Making 13/2/18


Throughout today’s input I enhanced my knowledge of internet safety. Beauchamp (2012, P.58) states that most primary schools will have in place a policy of internet safety although it would most likely be related to official policy documents although may not relate to the reality of pupil’s lives. He also states that the key idea of discussing e-safety is to educate children on the use and dangers of internet not to restrict them of what they can go onto. Beauchamp (2012, p.60) also states that “the most successful schools in terms of education of internet safety are those who ensured that children knew what to do when they came into trouble online”.

Throughout this session I also discovered that there are websites relating to internet safety that involve cartoons and activities that children can take part in. One of the cartoons that can be involved throughout Schools is Hectors World (ThinkUKnow, 2003-08) Personally I think the use of having interactive activities within the classroom relating to internet safety is beneficial for children as it educates them to know what to do if they come across a friend request on social media or gaming devices and they do not know the person they will know how to approach the situation by informing and adult.

When I was at school I do not remember being taught about internet safety and now that internet plays a role in daily life I think that it should be involved in children’s education so that children are aware of how dangerous it can be to accept a friend request from someone that you do not know or to meet up with someone you have spoke to online.

The Scottish Government (2015) states that “Digital technologies appear to be appropriate means to improve basic literacy and numeracy skills, especially in primary settings.” This shows that if a child within a primary school setting was to be shown a cartoon or movie trailer related to internet safety it could improve their basic literacy skills because they could be listening and talking about the video they have been shown. It could introduce discussion to what the children do in relation to the internet. The children could write facts on why the internet is a good thing, they could also research internet safety. It could encourage children to show their families at home the activities and videos online that they were shown in the classroom.

According to Porter (2004), digital storytelling begins with the notion that in the not too distant future, sharing one’s story through the multiple mediums of digital imagery, text, voice, sound, music, video and animation will be the principle hobby of the world’s people.

In today’s session as part of our assessment task the class was asked to work within groups and create a Movie or Trailer in relation to internet safety. Throughout the creation of our activity we were to create a Movie plan (See Attached Images).

We linked our movie to a literacy outcome and a technologies outcome. The literacy outcome I thought that our Movie linked to was; “As I listen or watch, I can identify and discuss the purpose, key words and main ideas of the text, and use this information for a specific purpose” LIT 1-04a (Education Scotland 2004). I thought that this outcome was effective as the children would be introduced to internet safety and could be asked questions with regards to the movie they have watched and if the children were able to pick out the purpose of the text and the main ideas within the text.

The technology outcome I thought that our movie linked to was; “I can extend my knowledge of how to use digital technology to communicate with others and I am aware of ways to keep safe and secure. TCH 1-03a” (Education Scotland 2004). Throughout discussion and use of digital technology children will have a wider understanding of how to approach situations when they are online.

Our movie was named “Hairy Snotter and the Fake Blood Sleaze”, Our production Name was “Woghorts Productions Ltd”. I played the role of the Non Communicative Sleaze – Ron Sleazy. Hairy Snotter was the main character in the movie who had been texting someone online and decided to meet up with them, on the meeting Hairy was approached by a non talking being with the name “Ron Sleazy” that looked nothing like their profile picture online. Mermanny was Hairy’s friend and was able to save Hairy’s day when she intervened on the meeting of Hairy and Ron. Hairy and Mermanny conducted a spell and with their powers were able to make Ron disappear. The message of the movie was to educate children of how dangerous meeting someone from the internet or accepting a friend request off of someone they do not know. Also to inform the children that if they tell someone the adult/carer or teacher will be able to help them.


I think overall the use of IMovie is beneficial for children to use within a primary school because it encourages their learning through use of digital technologies but also allows the children to create a movie or trailer based on a subject and be able to take a different approach to their creation than the rest of the class. I think that the use of IMovie is also beneficial as this session that we took part in today was enjoyable for us – a group of around 25-30 adults – it would be as enjoyable for children. IMovie allows the children to create a movie whether it be through use of props, use of drawings or involving other children to put a message across of what they have been learning about or bringing a story that they have been reading to life involving peers or props within their classroom.


Beauchamp, G. (2012) ICT in the Primary Classroom: From Pedagogy top Practice. Pearson.

Education Scotland (2004) – Curriculum for Excellence; Experiences and Outcomes [Online] https://education.gov.scot/scottish-education-system/policy-for-scottish-education/policy-drivers/cfe-(building-from-the-statement-appendix-incl-btc1-5)/Experiences%20and%20outcomes [Accessed on 14 February 2018]

Porter, B. (2004) Digi Tales: The Art of Telling Digital Stories. Bernajean Porter Publication.

The Scottish Government (2015) Literature Review on the Impact of Digital Technology on Learning and Teaching. [Online] http://dera.ioe.ac.uk/24843/1/00489224.pdf [Accessed 14 February 2018]

ThinkuKnow (2003-2008) Hector’s World – Animated Safety Videos [Online]
https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/5_7/hectorsworld/ [Accessed: 14 February 2018]

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