Global STEM Alliance- Junior Academy

Junior Academy is a virtual program for exceptional students interested in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Successful applicants gain access to an exciting community of student peers from across the globe, as well as mentoring from leading STEM practitioners. Each year, Junior Academy students compete in global challenges to solve real-world problems with the chance to win cash prizes and an all expenses paid trip to New York City

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National Women in Engineering Day 23rd June 2015

  National Women in Engineering Day was set up by the Women’s Engineering Society (WES) and is dedicated to raising the profile and celebrating the achievements of women in engineering. Encouraging girls into engineering careers will not only increase diversity and inclusion but help to fill the substantial future job opportunities that have been predicted in this sector. The idea behind National Women in Engineering Day is to encourage all

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Citizen Science workshops for East Ayrshire Council practitioners

Citizen Science workshops for East Ayrshire Council practitioners: St. Joseph’s Academy, Kilmarnock 5th May 3:45pm Mauchline Primary, Mauchline 6th May 3:45pm Citizen science is an exciting way of engaging learners with real-life science in the world around them. Schools across Scotland are undertaking important scientific work, collecting data and using that data to improve their own environment or passing the data to the scientific community. Some great examples of this can be see with the

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Weather and Climate Change Glow Meet

Holidaying in Ibiza or even backpacking across Europe was not an option last summer for four inspirational undergraduate students from all across Scotland, who spurned the ordinary and instead single-handedly organised an extraordinary trip to the Arctic. The main purpose of the trip was to study how climate change is affecting the landscape and the people of the Arctic. Team leader, Cameron MacKay, was motivated to go on the trip

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Scotland’s Environment EcoHack!

Scotland’s Environment Web wants to help people discover and understand more about the environment. We are looking for fresh new innovative ideas to make better use of available data, to collect new local environmental data that can help further our understanding, and encourage people to get interested and get involved in Scotland’s Environment – observing, monitoring, taking action, and educating. Scotland’s Environment Web is holding a Hackathon with prizes for

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ENTHUSE Partnership Awards 2015

The ENTHUSE Partnership Awards are a grant of £12,000 for groups of between four and eight primary schools wishing to work together to address local issues of underachievement in science/STEM subjects. The ENTHUSE Partnership Award aims to support collaborative activities over two years to develop and strengthen local partnerships which can subsequently continue independently. New schools wishing to apply to become an ENTHUSE Partnership, which will commence in September 2015

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Primary Science: Watch Again Glow Meets and Power point Presentations

Following the publication of its 3-18 Curriculum Impact Report for Sciences in September 2012, Education Scotland organised a series of conversation days where priorities for action to secure improvements in science education nationally were identified. Key aspects for development emerged which included: support with the initial planning for learning and teaching in the sciences guidance in and exemplification for assessment in the sciences support for the delivery of topical science

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Scottish Learning Festival 2015 – Learning for Sustainability

The Scottish Learning Festival (SLF) 2015 will address the theme of raising attainment and achievement for all, with a focus on maximising educational outcomes through: local partnerships and collaboration – to share approaches that lead to better outcomes self-evaluation – to ensure creative and innovative approaches to sustained improvement work-related learning – to improve transitions into sustainable, productive employment. Is your establishment delivering Learning for Sustainability (LfS) that you would

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K’Nex Cluster Challenge 2015

Glasgow Science Festival is pleased to announce the K’Nex Cluster Challenge for 2015. This annual competition is a chance for primary 5 and 6 pupils to apply their creativity and construction skills to various engineering based challenges, competing at three levels; classroom, cluster and area to become their area champion. The Cluster Challenge involves primary schools working together with their cluster secondary school through each level of the competition. Pupils

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Junior Saltire Competition 2015 – Marine Energy Challenge

Young Engineers and Science Clubs Scotland encourage you to enter the Junior Saltire Competition 2015 Marine Energy Challenge. Finalists will be invited to test their devices at FloWave’s Ocean Energy Research Facility,  which is the world’s most sophisticated ocean simulator.   Prizes of up to £750 and unique Saltire medals are up for grabs!   Read more in our newsletter #primaryscience