Scottish Borders – Teacher Industry Insight Placements

Scottish Borders Council provided 55 teachers with the opportunity to find out first hand the skills required in  local  industries. Sarah Rowson- Teacher of Modern languages from Berwickshire High School shares her experiences Before the end of the summer term 2018 I spent two days with Rabbie’s Trail Burners as part of my Teacher Industry Insight Placement organised by Developing the Young Workforce Borders . I spent one day in the Edinburgh headquarters

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New release: Learning Resource 4: Introduction to My World of Work

Learning Resource 4: Introduction to My World of Work This is the latest edition in the series to support teachers and practitioners in implementing the DYW agenda. The resource outlines the wealth of information, materials and tools ‘My World of Work’ has to offer and how this relates to learning and teaching. Access the learning resource (and all previous editions) here:,0,0,0,0

My World of Work: New ‘pathways’ feature support the search for jobs

There are now more ways for young people to browse pathways and explore potential qualifications routes on Skills Development Scotland’s career information and advice web service, My World of Work.  Senior Service Development Executive Mairi Rule explains how these changes will help young people, and those who support them: “Our new ‘pathways’ feature is changing the way our users can search for, filter and explore job profiles.   The idea behind

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SDS Programme: My World of Work Live

Louise Chisholm is Programme Manager of Skills Development Scotland’s My World of Work Live! She talks about its success so far in inspiring young people and teachers when it comes to STEM careers, and some of the exciting partnerships it involves. Scotland has a world-leading reputation in a range of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) industries including life sciences, chemical sciences, games technology, astrophysics and cosmology. But 45% of

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Career Education Standard 3-18: Parents are key influencers when it comes to career choices

By Ken Edwards, Education Programme Lead, Skills Development Scotland ‘The most important supporters and the greatest influencers of children and young people’s learning and career choices are their parents or carers. They help their children by encouraging them to think and talk about their strengths, skills and interests; to be open minded and ambitious when exploring learning and career pathways; to be well informed when making choices and to be

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Helping you to help pupils make subject to career connections

Sharon O’Rourke, Skills Development Scotland Helping young people make connections between what they are learning in classrooms and the world of work they’ll enter when they leave school has been brought into sharp focus by Building the Curriculum 4, the Career Education Standard and of course, Developing the Young Workforce. Embedding career information and advice web service My World of Work into lessons, using SDS’s newly developed ‘lesson inserts’, is

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My World of Work Ambassadors Programme

My World of Work’ Ambassadors programme is a free, easy-to-run programme with ready-made resources that provides career education benefits for pupils, teachers, parents, carers and the wider school community. Ambassadors act as champions for Skills Development Scotland’s award-winning career information and advice web service My World of Work, helping spread the word of the support it offers to their friends, fellow pupils, teachers, parents and carers. If you haven’t used

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The new look of ‘My World of Work’

 Physicist, Engineer, Content Editor… Whatever the young people you work with want to do when they leave school, My World of Work is here to help.  If you’ve not had a look at our award-winning careers advice and information service lately, now is the time to come back and check it out. We’ve completely redevelped the service, making it easier to use, introducing even more great tools, information and articles.

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