Digital Xtra Fund now open!

This new fund will support Scotland’s drive to attract more young people into digital careers by widening access to extracurricular and enrichment activities that bring technology to life. The new Digital Xtra fund will be dedicated to ensuring that every child across the country has the opportunity to benefit from exciting and challenging digital activities such as after school coding clubs, competitions and innovative classroom programmes. The £250,000 fund will

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Education Scotland’s DYW resource – a summary

Since the implementation of Scotland’s Youth Employment Strategy in response to the recommendations put forward by the Commission for Developing the Young Workforce in September 2014 Education Scotland has publish a number of key documents and related resources to support practitioners in realising the ambitions around DYW.  Here is an overview which aims to help navigation and access: Key documents: Career Education Standard (3 – 18) Work Placements Standard School/Employer

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All previous DYW e-bulletins/newsletters collated

The DYW e-bulletin has become a rather popular monthly publication with over 4200 subscribers benefiting from the resources, videos, links contacts etc.  we collate across the career and employability spectrum each month.   This will not only help you to keep up to date with the latest developments in this vast changing area of work but also contribute to reducing your workload saving you time searching for information or contacts in this area. You

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Senior Phase Benchmarking Tool now available

What is this? This tool has been developed to help you evaluate your current approach to planning the senior phase of the curriculum and to consider any necessary improvements/actions. It can be used by stakeholders in their planning and, with staff, for professional development. Who is this for? ​All stakeholders engaged in supporting young people in the senior phase. Download(s) PDF file: Senior phase benchmarking tool (1.24 MB) Word file: Senior

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Enterprise in Early Learning and Childcare

One of the ambitions of Scotland CAN DO is “to achieve an education system with entrepreneurship and innovation at its core.” This ambition does not begin with secondary, or even primary schools – early learners can get involved too! Scotland’s Enterprising Schools is a new resource available for educational practitioners to inspire enterprising and entrepreneurial learning across the curriculum.  The resource was developed in partnership with Education Scotland and the

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SDS’s new digital offer for young learners

Skills Development Scotland’s (SDS) work on a suite of digital resources to support career learning in P5-P7 classrooms is moving at pace. SDS Digital Services Programme Manager Derek Hawthorne says all schools will have access to the resources by August 2016: “We’ve been in classrooms across Scotland carrying out testing throughout the development of our new digital resources. Aimed at primary 5 to 7 pupils, teachers will be able to

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Looking to go to college, university, get an apprenticeship or perhaps start your own business? To celebrate our 75th anniversary, The Outward Bound Trust has made a limited number of scholarships available to any young person that would like to take part in The Outward Bound Skills for Life Award in summer 2016 and 2017. The Skills for Life Award is an exciting 19 day adventure which takes place during

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EU report on youth work and its contributions to youth employment

This report details the contribution of youth work to address the challenges young people are facing, in particular the transition from education to employment. The report seeks to make employers, Public Employment Services and policy-makers aware of the crucial role youth work can play – either as a lead agency or in partnership with others – in supporting the employment and employability of young people. In this context, youth work

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Govan High’s unique school/employer partnership programme

Pupils at Govan High School are given a unique opportunity to develop vital employability skills through a pre-apprenticeship training programme inspired by Peter Crawford, volunteer ‘Skills for Life’ development officer at Morris & Spottiswood.  Peter’s initiative to tackle the issue of youth unemployment led to the establishment  of a highly dynamic partnership programme with the local company providing expertise, equipment and hands on experience for young people considering an apprenticeship as a career pathway. The successful programme now

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The 2016 AMES conference will be held on Saturday 4 June at Forth Valley College, Stirling. The theme for the conference is ‘How good is our Creativity?’ The title takes its inspiration from Education Scotland’s How Good is Our School? (4th edition) — which prioritises Creativity and Employability — as well as Creative Scotland’s ambitions for a thriving artistic, media and creative culture. Full details of the programme, fees and

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