What are creativity skills? – new Creativity JPEGs available for use in presentations, reports, posters and online.

The following JPEGs and PNGs (with a transparent background) are drawn from the What are creativity skills? infographic, poster for learners, poster for staff, and poster for early learning and childcare settings, all available on the National Improvement Hub. Please use and share the images as widely as possible with educators, learners and partners in presentations, reports, posters and online. You can also build your own infographics from scratch using the Everything Is

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Why are creativity skills important for attainment? – new Creativity JPEGS available for use in presentations, reports, posters and online.

The following JPEGs are drawn from the Why are creativity skills important for attainment? infographic available on the National Improvement Hub. Please use and share the images as widely as possible with educators, learners and partners in presentations, reports, posters and online. You can also build your own infographics from scratch using the Everything Is Creative online tool and make your own use of the artwork you see here.

Why is creativity important to employers? – new Creativity JPEGs available for use in presentations, reports, posters and online.

The following JPEGs and PNGs (with a transparent background) are drawn from the Why is  creativity important to employers? infographic available on the National Improvement Hub. Please use and share the images as widely as possible with educators, learners and partners in presentations, reports, posters and online. You can also build your own infographics from scratch using the Everything Is Creative online tool and make your own use of the artwork you see

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Support for creativity – new Creativity JPEGs available for use in presentations, reports, posters and online.

The following JPEGS are drawn from the Unlock Your Creativity and Support and Resources for Creativity infographics available on the National Improvement Hub. Please use and share the images as widely as possible with educators, learners and partners in presentations, reports, posters and online. You can also build your own infographics from scratch using the Everything Is Creative online tool and make your own use of the artwork you see

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DYW Interesting practice: All exemplars published so far

In the third year the implementation of the DYW Youth Employment strategy we are seeing an increasing amount of creative and dynamic work coming to the fore in this area.  We would like to share some of this with you through our ‘interesting practice exemplars’  in order to inspire thinking and discussion.  The exemplification also provides you with contacts to support collaboration as we collectively  progress on our journeys to enhance children and young peoples’ opportunities to develop skills for learning, life

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‘Creative Pathways Finder’ – offering an insight into vast careers opportunities in the industry

The ‘Creative Pathways’ brochure developed by Dundee City provides  anyone interested in working in the creative industries sector with all the information required to consider the wide variety of jobs  that exist within it. Dundee, and Scotland as a whole,  have an exciting and ever growing cultural economy.   To continue to build on our reputation as an innovative and entrepreneurial nation, it is important that our young people are equipped with the correct skills

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Digital Xtra Fund now open!

This new fund will support Scotland’s drive to attract more young people into digital careers by widening access to extracurricular and enrichment activities that bring technology to life. The new Digital Xtra fund will be dedicated to ensuring that every child across the country has the opportunity to benefit from exciting and challenging digital activities such as after school coding clubs, competitions and innovative classroom programmes. The £250,000 fund will

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Creativity and Employability Infographic

Education Scotland and Creative Scotland have developed a range of infographics exploring the four creativity skills and you might be interested to see how creativity skills and creative learning are front and centre in developing our young workforce – whether for jobs in the growth creative industries or becoming a ‘go getter’ in any place of work. You can access and download the infographic here. Find more inspiration  around  creativity

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Technical Theatre Symposium – 11 March, Stirling

11 March, 10.15am to 5pm  For the third year running the Scottish Drama Training Network will be bringing together the Technical Theatre sector in Scotland.  This is a key opportunity for people who work backstage to meet with practice-based drama teachers and theatre educators and to take part in discussions, keynote talks and networking. For full information about the day please visit the SDTN website. To register for the Symposium click here.  Places are limited

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How good is our school? – Increasing creativity

How good is our school? provides a suite of quality indicators that support staff in all sectors to scrutinise their work and evaluate what is working well for learners and what could be better. It is a key aspect of the Scottish approach to school improvement and supports self-evaluation and reflection by practitioners at all levels.   The 4th edition was launched at this year’s Scottish Learning Festival and features

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