New release: Work Placements Standard for Colleges

This newly developed standard provides direction and exemplification across a range of sectors in order to build on and enhance work-based learning experiences for college students in Scotland.  Realising the new standard will support the development of learners’  employability skills and subsequently improve the career prospects of all students studying in colleges across Scotland. The new document complements the Work Placements Standard for Schools released  in September 2015 and articulates well with its key messages, allowing practitioners in

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SLF 2016: DYW and skills featured highly!

The SLF is over for another year and what a great 2 days it was! More than 4500 delegates enjoyed a wide variety of professional learning opportunities on offer from the 110 conference sessions and more than 175 exhibitors.  All the keynote sessions were recorded and are available to watch on our YouTube channel. With 18 directly related seminars, two discussion sessions and explicit references in the keynote address by the Depute First

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Sky Academy: Developing skills of young people across Scotland

Sky Academy Skills Studios in Livingston is providing an young people with a unique interactive learning experience to enhance skills for learning, life and work in the brand new facilities at the Livingston Campus. This free half day session gives young people between the ages of 8-18 the opportunity to use cutting edge technology to make their very own TV report based on a subject area of your choice. During the hands-on studio

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Business Language Champions: Developing skills for the world of work

Many schools across Scotland have developed relationships with business to highlight the relevancy of language skills in relation to the world of work . The following case studies have been developed as part of the ‘Business Language Champions’ initiative  in collaboration with SCILT to suit both employers and schools. Abbotsford House and Burgh Primary School (July 2016) – This partnership between a primary school and a local tourist attraction demonstrated to pupils the relevance

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1000 Girls – 1000 Futures!

The New York Academy of Sciences is inviting girls aged 13 – 19 years to participate in an exciting initiative called the 1000 Girls, 1000 Futures programme with the Global STEM Alliance! Fourteen Scottish girls participated in the pilot programme last year with two girls being invited to represent Scotland at the concluding event in New York. Visit this blog to see how one girl benefitted: Girls participating in

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DYW Interesting practice: All exemplars published so far

In the third year the implementation of the DYW Youth Employment strategy we are seeing an increasing amount of creative and dynamic work coming to the fore in this area.  We would like to share some of this with you through our ‘interesting practice exemplars’  in order to inspire thinking and discussion.  The exemplification also provides you with contacts to support collaboration as we collectively  progress on our journeys to enhance children and young peoples’ opportunities to develop skills for learning, life

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Labour market information inspires curriculum change in the Western Isles

Over the last years a long-term education:economic strategy has been put in place that applies Labour Market Information (LMI) to enhance ‘Personalisation and Choice’ in senior phase and drive forward curriculum change. As a result the Western Isles have achieved significantly improved SQA vocational education attainment, greater equity of provision, a local economically-relevant curriculum and increased positive, sustained destination rates for young people. LMI-identified maritime industries are a key sector

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In focus: How ‘Insight’ supports DYW

Insight assists secondary schools and local authorities in identifying where improvements can be made in the senior phase as well as areas of success and best practice. It supports professional dialogue about performance at whole school, curriculum area and subject level as part of the improvement process to raise attainment and improve post-school participation in employment, further and higher education. Insight went live in September 2014 but did you realise

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Scotland’s Enterprising Schools Conference – developing employability skills for learners from 3 – 18

Scotland’s Enterprising Schools, with the support of Education Scotland, will host a national event for strategic leaders in education to inspire enterprising attitudes, entrepreneurship and the development of skills for learning, life and work in learners. This all-day event will be held on : 26th October 2016 at Princes Trust Wolfson Centre, Cumbrae House, 15 Carlton Court, Glasgow G5 9JP. Access the event programme here:   conference-agenda-2610-draft-updated-031016-2 Delegates will have the

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SDS news: Labour market low down for parents

Parents have been getting the lowdown on the labour market as part of special careers events at two North Lanarkshire schools. Coltness High School and Airdrie Academy worked with Skills Development Scotland (SDS) on the events for parents and carers whose children were making subject choices. The events – attended by more than 200 people – were part of work to expand SDS career information, advice and guidance services in

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