What are creativity skills? – new Creativity JPEGs available for use in presentations, reports, posters and online.

The following JPEGs and PNGs (with a transparent background) are drawn from the What are creativity skills? infographic, poster for learners, poster for staff, and poster for early learning and childcare settings, all available on the National Improvement Hub. Please use and share the images as widely as possible with educators, learners and partners in presentations, reports, posters and online. You can also build your own infographics from scratch using the Everything Is

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Why are creativity skills important for attainment? – new Creativity JPEGS available for use in presentations, reports, posters and online.

The following JPEGs are drawn from the Why are creativity skills important for attainment? infographic available on the National Improvement Hub. Please use and share the images as widely as possible with educators, learners and partners in presentations, reports, posters and online. You can also build your own infographics from scratch using the Everything Is Creative online tool and make your own use of the artwork you see here.

Interesting practice: Inspiring learning about careers in the food and drink sector- Bathgate Academy

‘A Future in Food’, the Scottish Food and Drink Federation’s (SFDF) education programme  offers learners  (and teachers) a wide variety of exciting work-based learning opportunities to better understanding  the breath and depth of jobs available in this £16.5bn sector that employs over 34000 people. ‘A Future for Food’ provides schools with curriculum based learning opportunities, particularly around STEM subjects, connected the local (and national) food manufacturing companies highlighting career opportunities and the routes to

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Why is creativity important to employers? – new Creativity JPEGs available for use in presentations, reports, posters and online.

The following JPEGs and PNGs (with a transparent background) are drawn from the Why is  creativity important to employers? infographic available on the National Improvement Hub. Please use and share the images as widely as possible with educators, learners and partners in presentations, reports, posters and online. You can also build your own infographics from scratch using the Everything Is Creative online tool and make your own use of the artwork you see

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Support for creativity – new Creativity JPEGs available for use in presentations, reports, posters and online.

The following JPEGS are drawn from the Unlock Your Creativity and Support and Resources for Creativity infographics available on the National Improvement Hub. Please use and share the images as widely as possible with educators, learners and partners in presentations, reports, posters and online. You can also build your own infographics from scratch using the Everything Is Creative online tool and make your own use of the artwork you see

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Bonhill Primary School: A whole school approach to enterprise and employability education

Finalist at this years’ Scottish Education Awards in the category ‘Enterprise and employability ‘ Bonhill Primary School’s approach to enterprise education has permeated learning across the curriculum and beyond.  Driven by a real vision for future pathways of learners, head teacher Maria Seery has galvanised staff, parents and businesses to provide exciting, wide-ranging opportunities for learners  to develop enterprising  and  entrepreneurial mind sets. The school is a hive of activities that allow children and young people across all stage to enhance their

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Making Skills Work: Promoting Apprenticeships

Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is working with employers, training providers and partners to co-ordinate events and activity throughout autumn to promote apprenticeships and the benefits of work based learning. At the events pupils will have the chance to experience exclusive demonstrations from local employers and apprentices. These sessions will provide an insight as to the benefits of apprenticeships and the career opportunities provided by work based learning. Aimed at pupils

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More funding for young farmers: £20 000 to promote careers in farming

Additional funding to raise interest in careers in farming among Scotland’s young people has been announced by the Rural Economy Secretary. During a statement to Parliament, Mr Ewing announced that Scottish Association of Young Farmers (SAYF) has been awarded £20,000 to create a peer support network in rural communities to support Scotland’s young farmers. The funding will be used to: Complement existing careers advice for young people so that more

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My World of Work Ambassadors Programme

My World of Work’ Ambassadors programme is a free, easy-to-run programme with ready-made resources that provides career education benefits for pupils, teachers, parents, carers and the wider school community. Ambassadors act as champions for Skills Development Scotland’s award-winning career information and advice web service My World of Work, helping spread the word of the support it offers to their friends, fellow pupils, teachers, parents and carers. If you haven’t used

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New release: Work Placements Standard for Colleges

This newly developed standard provides direction and exemplification across a range of sectors in order to build on and enhance work-based learning experiences for college students in Scotland.  Realising the new standard will support the development of learners’  employability skills and subsequently improve the career prospects of all students studying in colleges across Scotland. The new document complements the Work Placements Standard for Schools released  in September 2015 and articulates well with its key messages, allowing practitioners in

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