Parkhill Enterprise Academy

The Enterprise Academy at Parkhill Secondary School was formally opened to pupils in August 2017. It is a vibrant initiative that supports young people with Additional Support Needs into positive and sustained destinations. DYW Case Study This is part of Parkhill Secondary School but is also available to pupils across Glasgow schools. Courses focus on vocational areas where there are opportunities for young people with Additional Support Needs to gain

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DYW – Quick Start Guide

The following information outlines the core essentials around DYW, in order to provide a quick overview and introduction to support  planning and implementation.  It includes the following sections: A.  What is DYW? – Introduction B.  What are the key priorities? – DYW essential C.  Key Resources A.  What is Developing the Young Workforce? Developing the Young Workforce is a seven year programme to reduce youth unemployment by 40% by 2021. The national

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DYW – Professional Engagement: Support Offer

In these unprecedented times Education Scotland would like to ensure you continue to receive the professional support you may require around DYW in order to stay ahead of developments. As current circumstances are unfolding we cannot be certain what the impact will be on the employability prospects of young people from here on in.  However what is already becoming clear is the seismic impact of this current pandemic on the

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Scottish Learning Festival 2019 DYW Workshops

The conference, organised by Education Scotland, boasts over 100 seminars and a fantastic line up of keynote speakers and opportunities for professional networking. With a combination of top quality keynote speakers, interactive seminars and the ever popular exhibition, SLF is the ideal place to share thinking and discuss education. Dates 25-26 September 2019 Information about this year’s DYW themed workshops can be found in the DYW-Flyer-SLF1 and in the summary below: A whole school approach

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Scottish Traditional Building Forum Workshops

Secondary pupils from schools in Glasgow, Stirling, Perth and Edinburgh took part in traditional building skills event held at  various locations. The hands-on practical workshops provided 13 to 15 year olds with the chance to discover more about traditional skills apprenticeships, and allowed them to have a go for themselves. They tried their hand at stonemasonry roof slating, joinery and painting and decorating, expertly assisted by current Modern Apprentices in these trades.

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Senior Phase Programme, a school-college partnership.

Glasgow City Council in partnership with East Dunbartonshire and East Renfrewshire have created an effective school-college partnership. The programme currently supports over 1000 young people to ensure that all young people are supported toward a career pathway.   There are two strands: SCQF Levels 1-3 SCQF Levels 4-7 Links have been developed with the local colleges to provide a wide range of different courses and levels in order to showcase

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Foundation Apprenticeships: Preparing Young People for the World of Work

Foundation Apprenticeships offer young people valuable work-based learning opportunities to develop their skills and employer connections  in order to build their future career pathways. Learners will now have the option to select a Foundation Apprenticeship as one of their senior phase subject choices and complete the qualification over one or two years in collaboration with local learning provider, such as a college and with an employer. Skills Development Scotland has developed the Foundation Apprenticeship

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Founders4Schools – News

Announcing the Founders4Schools iPad App On October 9th we announced the new Founders4Schools iPad App being rolled out across schools in Glasgow City. A brand new tool for teachers who want their students to benefit from encounters with local business leaders. The first version of the app will let teachers go through the full booking process: set up your event, share the details with us and find suitable speakers from

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Explorathon is coming!

Explorathon is a set of interactive ‘Meet the Researcher’ events happening all over Scotland on Friday 28th and Saturday 29th September. It’s part of a Europe-wide programme called European Researchers’ Night, there’s a particular emphasis on European funded research but any researchers can take part. Check out the link below to see what is happening near you!