Register for the BBC Micro:bit

The BBC micro:bit is a pocket-sized computer that you can code, customise and control to bring your digital ideas, games and apps to life. Measuring 4cm by 5cm, and designed to be fun and easy to use, users can create anything from games and animations to scrolling stories at school, at home and on the go – all you need is imagination and creativity. The BBC micro:bit is completely programmable.

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Informed Scotland – Special Edition – Technologies at work

Every aspect of the curriculum has a part to play in helping children and young people understand the world of work, the parts which they might play, and the contributions they might make to business, employment and the economy in their careers beyond school. Within that overall framework it is possible to see a unique role for the technologies, and the particular logic and clarity of a special relationship which

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On a mission to get more girls and women into computing

International Girls in ICT Day takes place on the fourth Thursday in April. This year, it will be celebrated on 24 April with the theme Expand horizons, Change attitudes. Lots of activity takes place across the world in the weeks around this day to promote the importance of attracting more girls and women into computing study and occupations. Spotlight on women in computing Ayrshire College is on a mission to

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Global Treasure Apps – Create a location-based interactive trail

Calling teachers around the world! Download Global Treasure Apps for FREE for your students! Global Treasure Apps are fun, interactive and informative apps, shining a new light on the world around us. The app won an International Serious Play Award in LA in 2014 for “outstanding visitor engagement with a measurable learning opportunity”, making Global Treasure Apps leaders in the field of Game Based Learning on Location.  Global Treasure Apps are launching

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5 must-see apps for science outdoors!

Check out these apps and websites to support your outdoor learning journey! UK Ladybird survey: get counting and finding out about different types of ladybirds. What do your findings tell you about the biodiversity of your school grounds/local area? iRecord butterfly app: find out about butterflies in your area and why they are important. Record your findings on the app or website and become a citizen scientist! OPAL Tree

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5 must-see apps for primary #outdoorlearning

Check out these apps and websites to support your outdoor learning journey! UK Ladybird survey: get counting and finding out about different types of ladybirds. What do your findings tell you about the biodiversity of your school grounds/local area?   iRecord butterfly app: find out about butterflies in your area and why they are important. Record your findings on the app or website and become a citizen scientist!  

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