Social Bite calls for Scotland’s young people to join movement against homelessness with first ever ‘Wee Sleep Out’ initiative

Social Bite has  launched the Wee Sleep Out; a national awareness raising and fundraising campaign to get the young people of Scotland involved in the charity’s mission to end homelessness. Wee Sleep Out is calling on all teachers, youth leaders, parents and guardians to challenge young people between 8 and 16 years old to get out of their beds, and their comfort zones by organising their very own Wee Sleep

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Parkhill Secondary School: Preparing flexible learning pathways for young people with additional needs

Parkhill Secondary School in Glasgow has developed an exciting and innovative approach to preparing young people with additional support needs for the world of work.  In partnership with colleges and employers the school has established their own Enterprise Academy that provides pupils with  work-based learning opportunities and industry relevant qualifications. Access the outline of the programme here: Interesting Practice in Skills DYW Parkhill secondary school LP MM The following film clips outline the format, experiences

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ILF Scotland Transition Fund Now Open!

ILF Scotland has now opened the Transition Fund! The Fund will initially support those aged between 16 and 21, who are at an important transitional stage in their lives. The Fund will provide short term grants (with £5 million of funding available per year) to young disabled people, providing them with opportunities that facilitate their participation and inclusion within their communities, creating a lasting impact on their lives.   Public Health

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Making Scotland a STEM Nation

STEM Education and Training Strategy for Scotland has now been published A STEM (Sciences Technologies, Engineering and Mathematics) Education and Training Strategy was launched in the Scottish Parliament last week by Ms Shirley-Anne Somerville, Minister for Further Education, Higher Education and Science. The Strategy, together with a STEM Evidence Base Report, is now available to download from: A central focus on the strategy is to enable everyone to develop

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Sleep in the Park: 1000 Free School Tickets!

This year Social Bite are bringing together 9,000 people in Princes Street Gardens, on the 9th of December, for the world’s largest ever Sleep-Out to try and end homelessness in Scotland for good. Participants will be joined by some of the world’s biggest artists to sleep in the cold for one night. We have invited some amazing musicians to “busk” stripped back acoustics sets including Liam Gallagher, Deacon Blue, Amy

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Equality & Inclusion: Good practice exemplars

The following four good practice exemplars have been published on the National Improvement Hub to highlight initiatives that help learners requiring additional support to develop skills and find employment. Exemplar 1: Enable Scotland’s ‘Stepping Up’ programme This innovative employability programme offers comprehensive support for young people aged 14 to 19 who have learning disabilities which takes participants from an initial investigation of the world of work, through a process of discovery and planning for their future,

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FUTURE AS5ET: Calling all S5 girls who know they can change the world, and just as importantly, those who don’t

FUTURE AS5ET – A one day free conference for S5 schoolgirls, open to all secondary schools in Scotland. 22 September 2017,  Edinburgh International Conference Centre The organisers, financial education charity Didasko and various investment management firms coordinated by Stewart Investors, are especially keen to encourage attendance of schools from outside Edinburgh,.  They are offering generous financial contributions towards travel for schools based outside of Midlothian area, and accommodation for those located

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DYW Interesting Practice – Sanderson High School: Tailored learning pathways to meet the needs of all

Winners of the Scottish Education Awards 2017 – category:  Employability across Learning! A whole school approach to DYW offers learners at Sanderson High School in South Lanarkshire a wide variety of career related and work-based learning opportunities that aim to inspire the exploration of future pathways.  The learning experiences within and beyond the curriculum not only provide learners with a significantly enhanced skills portfolio, tracked and referenced through profiling, but also ensure meaningful connections with the world of work and accreditation in

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Erasmus+ Act for Careers Conference, 15th June 2017

We would like to invite you to attend the Glasgow City Council Education Services Erasmus+ Act for Careers Conference on Thursday June 15th  2017, 09.30 – 16.00 at, The Prince’s Trust Wolfson Centre. Programme Erasmus+ Conference Glasgow Glasgow City Council and the City of Nuremberg have been collaborating since 2014 under the Erasmus+ European education programme to improving support for young people’s employability skills in their transition from school to work. 

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Funded International Learning Experience

On October, the 3rd, 2013, 368 migrants died in a dreadful shipwreck off the Italian island of Lampedusa. It was just one of the cruelest tragedy in the long trail of death since the mass migrations from North Africa began few years ago. The UNHCR rates that more than 2600 persons have died in the Mediterranean sea from 2011 so far. The Italian Parliament has therefore established a Remembering Day

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