Cyber Academy – IET Christmas Lectures – The Internet of Everything!

This year’s IET Christmas lectures are focusing on the Internet of Everything and will run in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee and Inverness. The dates are: Inverness. 1 Dec 2015. Book here. Dundee. 4 Dec 2015 (Gardyne Theatre). Book here. Glasgow. 8 Dec 2015 (iMax Theatre, Glasgow Science Centre). Book here. Edinburgh. 11 Dec 2015 (Craiglockhart Campus). Book here. The lectures are open to everyone, and teachers can book tickets in blocks for

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STEM at the Scottish Learning Festival

The Scottish Learning Festival (SLF) is the key education event in Scotland welcoming thousands of educational professionals. SLF 2015 takes place on Wednesday 23 and Thursday 24 September in the SECC, Glasgow. Below are a list of seminars focusing on science and STEM that may be of interest. The Education Scotland teams will be on hand at the main stand to discuss STEM and answer any of your questions on

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Get outside and Get Learning!

Want to get outside and start finding out about the environment around you? These brand new professional learning videos from Scotland’s Environment are a great place to start. With information for practitioners and learners, they provide a step-by-step guide on how to measure soil pH, look for invertebrates in your local pond, sample small mammal populations and more! They are all part of an exciting new resource available from Scotland’s

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5 must-see apps for primary #outdoorlearning

Check out these apps and websites to support your outdoor learning journey! UK Ladybird survey: get counting and finding out about different types of ladybirds. What do your findings tell you about the biodiversity of your school grounds/local area?   iRecord butterfly app: find out about butterflies in your area and why they are important. Record your findings on the app or website and become a citizen scientist!  

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