Cyber Academy – IET Christmas Lectures – The Internet of Everything!

edinburgh napier cyber academyThis year’s IET Christmas lectures are focusing on the Internet of Everything and will run in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee and Inverness. The dates are:

  • Inverness. 1 Dec 2015. Book here.
  • Dundee. 4 Dec 2015 (Gardyne Theatre). Book here.
  • Glasgow. 8 Dec 2015 (iMax Theatre, Glasgow Science Centre). Book here.
  • Edinburgh. 11 Dec 2015 (Craiglockhart Campus). Book here.

The lectures are open to everyone, and teachers can book tickets in blocks for their classes. You are guaranteed to see a presentation with flying objects, Internet-enable lighting, listening TVs, talking dolls, interactive kettles, spy glasses, and many more things …


This presentation will showcase the vast range of systems and devices which can connect to the Internet. It aims to totally immerse the audience in the possibility of the Cyber World and how it is changing our lives. Along with this, it will outline a range of emerging technologies which will bring benefits to many areas of our lives including health care and education. With these great benefits, though, there are also threats, and some of these will be presented through a range of practical demonstrations. Overall the key aim of the presentation is to present this new age in a fun and informative way, and engage the audience into understanding the opportunities of the Cyber Age [poster][postcard].

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