Using digital portfolios to share learning experiences and skills progression

Tarbolton Primary School in South Ayrshire use ‘Seesaw’, a student driven digital portfolios, for learners from to instantaneously share and record learning experiences and achievements from within and out with school.

Children and young people use mobile devices to  evidence their learning,  upload personal targets and reflect on their progress .  This is then continuously shared with their teachers and parents in order to review their learning.

Seesaw is also used for uploading homework, sharing letters or information as well as daily communications.

Lynsey Bradford, PT at Tarbolton Primary School says:

“Seesaw has radically changed how we log our pupils learning journeys. It is instant and accessible from all devices and ticks the digital platform buttons for all children.  They want to see and share their learning and achievements now and this app allows them to do that in a safe and secure way.”

Read more about how the school has implemented the tool across the school and how it plans to extend its use into early learning and childcare.: Interesting Practice in Skills DYW – Profiling_Seesaw tool Tarbolton PS



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