Young Enterprise Scotland celebrates award wining programmes!
From Geoff Leask (CEO – Young Enterprise Scotland):
When the Developing the Young Workforce Career Education Standard (3-18) was published in September 2015 it was a heartening moment to see the following included:
Children and young people will be entitled to develop understanding of enterprise, entrepreneurship and self-employment as a career opportunity;
As the DYW impact has grown you can imagine my delight that two of our Programmes have already been awarded the DYW Quality Accreditation at Silver Level.
Firstly, a huge thanks to our Local Area Team Chair Neil Marchant for driving forward our Company Programme in the North East and ensuring that our programme and its impact is recognised for the outcomes that it achieves and how it develops young people for their future outside of school.
Secondly, I would like to pay a huge tribute to our friends and delivery partners in the North East – Elevator UK. Through the efforts of Karen Clark and Lucia Giuntoli of Elevator they have ensured that our Bridge 2 Business Programme is also awarded the DYW Quality Accreditation at Silver Level. ‘Bridge 2 Business’ is an interactive and engaging programme designed to inspire and prepare all young people aged 16-30 to learn and succeed through enterprise.
It is a fantastic achievement for Young Enterprise Scotland to achieve this position for two of our Scotland-wide programmes and helps to re-enforce our position as Scotland’s leading enterprise engagement organisation for young people across Scotland.
Young people will, as per the Developing the Young Workforce Career Education Standard (3-18), now be able to say:
“I can assess the opportunities and challenges that entrepreneurship/self-employment can provide as a career option including financial and legal aspects.” thanks in part to the work of Young Enterprise Scotland!