DYW- Interesting practice exemplar: The Outward Bound Trust- supporting young people on their future pathways

Over the last 75 years The Outward Bound Trust has used the outdoors to equip young people from all walks of life with valuable skills for education, work and life in order to fulfil their potential. Through participation in the charity’s courses, young people become more confident and self-aware, are better able to work collaboratively with others, better able to communicate effectively and become more resilient and determined individuals.  These skills in turn increase their chances of success in their education, and support them in their future career pathways and prepare them for the world of work. (See research report)

As a result of recent discussions around the alignment of their work to the Career Education Standard (3-18) (CES), Freda Fallon (Education Partnerships) has begun to map their experiences against the expectations, entitlements and ‘I can’ statements of the standard (see outward-bound-dyw-career-standard-mapping-exercise-draft).   It is clear that many of the Outward Bound programmes support the realisation of CES and deliver on the entitlements of children and young people outlined within the standard.

Jamie Hepburn, Minister for Employability and Training, has recently visited Outward Bound at Loch Eil to find out about the training opportunities and skills development the centre has to offer young people: https://twitter.com/scotgoveconomy/status/874561873601056768

To find out more about The Outward Bound Trust’s programmes, their links to industry and the world of work as well as case studies from schools that successfully partner with the charity and individual testimonies of young people please access the following interesting practice exemplar: Interesting-Practice-in-Skills-DYW-Outward-Bound


Freda Fallon

The Outward Bound Trust

Loch Eil Centre, Achdalieu

Fort William, PH33 7NN

T 07919 887716

W outwardbound.org.uk


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