Career Education Standard (3-18): Exemplification Tool offers a ‘helping hand’

ces-exemplification-toolThis tool will support practitioners in planning and developing new practice in career education  and to reflect on existing practice.   Based on the ‘I can’ statements in the Career Education Standard (3-18) it provides illustrations of what children and young people might experience in order to help them meet their entitlements.  For ease of reference the entitlements have been appended to the resource and linked to each theme.  The tool  supports  practitioners  to consider what  career education might look like in their own particular contexts and to plan accordingly.


The exemplification tool groups the entitlements and the illustrative  ‘I can statements’ in five themes and by levels.  Alongside these are suggestions of the types of activities that children and young people might experience as they work towards their entitlements.

The themes are :

  1. Exploring the concept of work (from simulated experiences to the world of work)
  2. Expanding horizons and ambitions
  3. Diversity and equity
  4. Seeking help and information
  5. Finding a route to work

Down load the exemplification tool here:

Use the following infographisc to bring the  10 entitlements to life:


Illustrations of how education establishments have implemented DYW across the curriculum can be found on the Education Scotland National Improvement Hub.

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