Career Education Standard 3 – 18: Suite of Learning Resources
A suite of learning resources are currently being produced to support professional development related to career education. These resources will cover a variety of key themes such as labour market information, career management skills, enterprise and entrepreneurship, My world of Work etc. and relate this to Career Education Standard 3-18.
Learning outcomes
As a result of engaging with this learning you will have:
- an understanding of the purpose and aim of the Career Education Standard (3 – 18) (CES);
- an understanding of the part you are expected to play, along with partners, in the implementation of the CES;
- an understanding of the entitlements for children and young people;
- developed, through self-evaluation, your understanding of the CES expectations in relation to your current practice;
- identified areas of the CES expectations for your professional learning; and
- a plan to take forward manageable changes to your practice.
Who is this learning for?
The resource contribute to professional learning for practitioners at all levels working with children and young people within early learning and childcare, primary, secondary, special schools, colleges, private training providers, third sector providers, social work, community learning and development and other specialist learning providers including secure and residential settings.
Learning Resource 1: An Introduction to the Career Education Standard 3-18
This resource introduces you to the standard, its context, purpose and expectations in a logical and manageable format. The materials include a self-evaluation tool and contain references to How good is our school? (4th Edition). Engaging with this professional learning resource will help you build on your existing practice.
Downloads :
- learning-resource-1-intro-to-career-education-standard-17-11-16-2
- CES Introduction – Power Point presentation: cesintrolearningresource1_tcm4-874549
Learning Resource 2: Introduction to the Labour Market Information (LMI)
This resource offers introductory level learning to LMI and how this can be accessed and used to support learning and the development of career management skills (CMS) in relation to the Career Education Standard. It is structured to begin to inform and to help you reflect on your existing practice.
Download: lr2-intro-to-labour-market-information
Learning Resources 3: Introduction to Career Management Skills
This resource helps to familiarize practitioners with CMS and how this can be used in wider context of learning and teaching. It relates directly to the entitlements set out in the CES.
- learning-resource-3-introduction-to-career-management-skills
- self-evaluation-and-reflection-appendix-1-ces-learning-resource
Learning Resources 4: Introduction to my World of Work
This resource gives practitioners an introduction to Skills Development Scotland’s careers web service – My World of Work. It can be used to help learners to make informed choices about their future careers.
Learning resource 4: Introduction to My World or Work.
The following resource is currently in development:
- Learning Resources 5: Introduction to Enterprise Education