Overarching DYW milestones: Seven Year Plan
Developing the Young Workforce in Scotland requires a long-term effort across many parts of the education and skills systems and by employers.
From a schools’ perspective, young people, parents, practitioners, local authorities, those working in colleges, training providers and employers will be able to see the following headline changes over the next seven years. So far we have seen the implementation of the following:
Year 1 (the academic year 2014/15)
- Opportunities to learn more about developing the young workforce (DYW), explain what it means from early years through to the end of secondary education and look at what is already happening in practice;
- Testing out new approaches via the Scottish Funding Council’s ‘early adopter’ activity on school/college partnerships and on Skills Development Scotland’s foundation apprenticeship pathfinders;
- Initial communication and engagement with young people and parents on the range of routes into employment which are open to young people at school and college.
Year 2 (2015/16)
- More opportunities in place for young people to undertake learning which connects more directly to employment, for example, through school/college partnerships;
- Evaluation of early activity through foundation apprenticeship pathfinder activity and consideration of how successful programmes can be expanded further;
- Engagement with learners, teachers and practitioners to change perceptions of the value of work-related learning and qualifications.
Now in its third year DYW focuses on the next milestones:
Year 3 (2016/17)
- More schools will be delivering a broader range of qualifications for young people from S4 – S6 in partnership with colleges and other providers;
- Schools will have more partnerships with employers to inform curriculum design and delivery and provide work-related learning experiences;
- Young people and parents will be more informed about routes into work, careers planning and employment opportunities because of the support they receive from careers professionals, teachers and other practitioners.
Year 4 (2017/18)
- School and college staff and other practitioners across Scotland will be supported to have a greater understanding of the world of work and routes into work to improve young people’s learning;
- More schools will offer a fuller range of vocational qualifications, in partnership with colleges and other training providers;
- Pilot activity around foundation apprenticeships will continue to be evaluated and successful activity will start to be rolled out across the country;
- All schools will have employers fully involved in informing curriculum planning and delivery and providing work-related learning experiences.
Years 5 and 6 (2018 – 2020)
- As the programme matures and the new provision becomes established, visible and valued, there will be an expansion of year four activity to cover the majority of secondary schools and other learning settings in Scotland.
Year 7 (2021)
There will be evidence of:
- increased employer satisfaction
- more young people completing vocational qualifications
- more achieving qualifications at a higher level
- more young people in all secondary schools in Scotland progressing to college, training, university and employment.