‘Design-Engineer- Construct’: The Engineering Challenge for Schools now SCQF credit rated

DEC ChallengeDesign Engineer Construct!®  has now been formally recognised in Scotland thanks to the key support of the Chartered Institute of Building, and is already piloting in Drummond High School in Edinburgh, Garnock Academy in Kilbirnie, and St Joseph’s Academy in Kilmarnock where student take up and attitude has been impressive.

Comprising an introductory and intermediate programme of study, DEC! has been credit rated onto the SCQF by SQA’s Credit Rating Service at SCQF Levels 4 and 6, both carrying 16 credits. SCQF levels 4 and 6 correspond to level 2 and 4 on the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).

DEC! offers young people numerous opportunities to access a wide variety of career pathways, thanks especially to the innovative ‘Adopt a School’ industry partnership scheme that brings professionals into the classroom to support teachers in educating the future of construction and changing the lives of young people. A wrap around teacher training programme is the icing on the cake.

Find out more here.

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