Scottish Education Awards 2016: Employability Across Learning

Employability Across Learning (Early Years/Primary and Secondary) Awards The Scottish Education Awards recognise schools and centres that have developed a vibrant and progressive culture and climate of continuous innovation. The culture and ethos should promote respect, ambition and achievement while improving outcomes for all learners in ways which eliminate inequity. Nominations should include practical activities and projects that the school or centre has undertaken, detailing the impact these strategies have

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First DYW Annual Report – good progress being made so far

The first annual report on Developing the Young Workforce: Scotland’s Youth Employment Strategy has shown a number of key milestones have already been delivered. The report highlights progress across Scotland, including enhancements to careers advice, and engagement between business, schools and colleges. Hundreds of new opportunities for young people to undertake learning – for example to start a Modern Apprenticeship while still at school – are in also place. There

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