Enter ‘Our Environment Competition’ and win £1000!

There’s still time to get your competition entries in for the Our Environment Competition!             It’s easy to enter and you can win £1000! Identify an environmental issues in your local area/school grounds. Collect data about the issue (these easy-to-use surveys might help you!) Young people can present their ideas for solving the problem (via presentation, leaflet, poster, video, photostory – or something else!) You

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Women are getting ‘Careerwise’ – 2014 Annual Review from Equate Scotland

Equate Scotland, committed to equality in education and making a positive difference to women interested in STEM related employment, has just published its annual review for 2014. Aiming to encourage women and girls into careers in science, technology engineering and the built environment, Equate looks back on their achievements of providing far reaching opportunities for students and pupils. You can access the annual review here: 11184_equate_careerwise_booklet_rfw .  For more information visit:  www.equatescotland.org.uk