Call for Proposals for the Computing Science Education Conference

Message from Kate Farrell the Co-Chair of Computing at Schools Scotland(CASS) I am delighted to announce the launch of our 2015 CS Education conference! This year we will be hosted by the School of Computing at the University of Dundee. The conference will be on Saturday 7th November 2015. After a ‘slimline’ conference last year we will be back to our multiple strands plus workshops model that has worked well in

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5 must-see apps for science outdoors!

Check out these apps and websites to support your outdoor learning journey! UK Ladybird survey: get counting and finding out about different types of ladybirds. What do your findings tell you about the biodiversity of your school grounds/local area? iRecord butterfly app: find out about butterflies in your area and why they are important. Record your findings on the app or website and become a citizen scientist! OPAL Tree

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