Sky Academy Skills Studios in Livingston

Sky Academy Skills Studios in Livingston is inviting you and your class to be part of an unforgettable, exciting and interactive learning experience!
Already hugely popular in London, Sky Academy Skills Studios opens in Livingston in March 2015. This free half day learning experience gives young people between the ages of 8-18 the opportunity to use cutting edge technology to make their very own TV report based on a subject area of your choice.

Groups of up to 32 students will be divided into four teams, each with their own studio equipped with a green screen, broadcast quality HD camera and touch screen edit table.

The whole experience is tailored to the Curriculum for Excellence, and learning is central to every stage of the experience. Topics link to:
• Mathematics
• Literacy and English
• Sciences, Technologies
• Expressive Arts
• Social Studies
• Health and Wellbeing

Students also develop core life skills such as creativity, problem solving, communication, teamwork and self-management. Sky’s dedicated team will be on hand to ensure the experience is inspiring and unforgettable, as well as safe and easy to organise.

Take a look online ( to find out more about Sky Academy Skills Studios and book now on or call us on 01506 325 999.

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