Tag Archives: placement1

Reflection on Placement

In a profession, such as teaching it is important that we continually self-assess ourselves. I began my first school placement with the intent of identifying my strengths and areas for development with regards to my overall communication skills. I was matched with a school in a relatively socially deprived area which I found quite challenging as many pupils lacked some academic skills and suffered from very poor behaviour. This is also a small school consisting of 107 pupils and five classes – four of which are composite. Despite this I enjoyed my first placement immensely, however I do feel that a one week placement is not long enough to complete all the set tasks as well as self and peer assessing. This week was particularly busy as all children were getting their annual photographs taken as well as attending nativity show rehearsals and assemblies during class time which proved very time consuming. I was placed in a different class each day which allowed me to observe different teaching styles and experience a variety of different characters. Overall I found it extremely informative and beneficial and will carry this experience forward to my next placement.

Communication Strength

Whilst gathering information for my set tasks I had to observe pupils in Primary one/two and identify two pupils where their oral language was considerably different. After consulting the class teacher and with their guidance, I took a small group of four pupils to one side just to chat to them about their favourite colour, what they dressed as for Halloween etc.

I would say a strength of mine would be that I could steer the conversation and keep the pupils engaged in the conversation. I was also able to encourage quieter members of the group to voice their opinions and ask questions. Some children tended to go off on a tangent but I was able to draw the children back into the conversation. I also displayed open body language and continually smiled to ensure the pupils felt I was approachable and to show that I was engaged in the overall experience.

Area of Most Progress

The week before our placement we had a presentation task which allowed us to practice self and peer assessing. Through this task I found that I often stood in a closed position. Bearing this in mind, I used an open stance while interacting with both pupils and members of staff to ensure I was approachable and willing to participate in conversation as well as show that I was enthusiastic. This is something I will continue to develop to build my confidence in the school environment.

An Area for Development

Having been brought up in East Ayrshire I have developed a very thick accent and speak slang words constantly – often without realising! Therefore, I often caught myself using slang words or phrases such as “I done that” or “I seen that”. I also tended to speak at a fast pace due to nerves which resulted in some children being confused and requiring the instruction to be repeated several times. I also found that I lacked hand gestures throughout my time in class which could have enhanced my performance. Finally, due to my uncertainty of my role as ‘teacher’ in the classroom I did not feel it was my place to give children into trouble or permission to go to the toilet. This is something I should have discussed with the class teacher beforehand.

Action Plan

To progress and develop my communication skills further, I will continue to work on my non-verbal communication skills by practicing in front of a mirror or small group of peers or friends my presentation skills to ensure I include facial expressions and hand gestures to enhance my overall performance. I will also work on my spoken language by avoiding slang words and slowing my pace down to ensure I am always clearly understood.