Ùine an Stòraid do chloinn, cibear-athléimneacht ar an leibhéal luath

Event Details

This read along is for children working across the early level IN SCOTLAND in ELC settings/ASN & primary school/afterschool/home settings. – Ùine an Stòraid do chloinn, cibear-athléimneacht ar an leibhéal luath Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite

Join this 30 min live read along of ‘The Bongles and the Crafty Crows’, a unique and first-of-its-kind learning resource for younger children, demonstrating the importance of cyber security through the medium of text.

Tha trì bucais fhiodha a’ tighinn air tìr air Eilean Bongle. Aodach ann an aon dhiubh, truinnsearan is cupannan ann am fear eile agus pàidhean fallain ann am fear eile.

Tha na Bongles airson na h-ulaidh ùir a chumail sàbhailte bho na starragan carach. Ach am faigh na starragan carach tro ghlasan agus facail-faire nam Bongles, agus am faigh iad na bucais làn ulaidh dhaibh fhèin?

Within the early level curriculum in Scotland, children are supported to assess and manage risk and understand the impact of risk-taking behaviour in all aspects of play and learning; this includes the safe and secure explorations of digital technology – Cyber Resilience and Internet Safety.

I can explore, play and communicate using digital technologies safely and securely. TCH 0-03

It is advisable to join the educator information session prior to the read along with the children in your care. The educator information session can be accessed here Educator Webinar. The Bongles & The Crafty Crows learning resource Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite