Live Lesson: AI Unbelievably Talented – A Talent Show With A Twist

Event Details

Can you tell the difference between something created by a talented human, and something made using AI?

How would you feel if your crush sent you a valentines card written by a robot? What if your favourite comedian generated their jokes? Would they still be funny? Is it okay to use technology like this?

Artificial Intelligence is a hot topic right now. Ever changing and ever improving, AI tools are proving helpful for many people, letting them create, experiment, and work in new ways.

But, when more people have access to AI tools, can you really believe what you see and hear?

Unbelievably Talented is a talent show with a twist: some of the contestants aren’t as genuinely talented as they claim, they’re getting some help from AI apps. In the show, we’ll unmask the AI tools that our Artificial All-Stars are using in an attempt to outshine their human competition.

Can you tell the difference between something created by a talented human, and something made using AI? And should we even be using AI in a talent show anyway?! Join the Cyber Skills Live team for this event!

Important Info

  • Target age: P6 to S2
  • No additional software is required, only a modern web browser like Google Chrome.

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