Developing your digital strategy workshop (Evolving Digital Thinking)

developing digital strategy may 28

Event Details

If the dates offered here are unsuitable, get in touch and request another and we’ll see what we can do to accommodate.


An in-person workshop designed to help your setting develop and improve its use of digital.

This half-day workshop can be delivered to a cluster of schools or a local authority.


Attendees will:

  • define their aim
  • create a short vision statement
  • plan a strategy to evaluate, develop and measure the improvement of digital skills across their school

This strategy will align with the Digital Schools Award (Scotland) (DSAS) and the newly-created Digital Educator Award (Scotland) (DEAS) and is ideal for schools who have DSAS and want to refresh their approaches or for schools aiming to get the award.

Attendees will leave with solid plans, targets and ongoing support from the Education Scotland digital skill team.


Sign up with this link.