The beauty of Maths

The Fibonacci sequence describes a concept constructed by Leonardo Pisano Bogollo (1170-1250), Italy.

It is a sequence of numbers starting at 0, 1 and the next number is found by adding up the two numbers before it. E.g. 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584. The combination of numbers formulates a diagram which is used progressively and consistently in daily life. For example the construction of buildings, architectural design, and natural growth i.e. flowers and plants. It can also be used in areas such as logistics, planning and analysis in business.

This spiral design can be seen in the following natural formations for plants, flowers and shells.

fibo1 fibo2 fibo3 fibo4

The Fibonacci sequence is also used to calculate the “Golden Ratio,” the most aesthetically pleasing equation “φ” which is approximately 1.618034. Using any number from the sequence and dividing it from another should result in approximately the same answer.

A B   B / A
2 3 1.5
3 5 1.666666666…
5 8 1.6
8 13 1.625


In analyzing the role of Fibonacci sequence I investigated highly regarded artists to consider their approach to creating some of the most inspiring and popular artwork. In a recent lecture we discovered the designs of Mondrian a French artist who used the sequence to divide his designs. We attempted to recreate his art without the knowledge of his association and then with the knowledge recreated our initial attempts using the sequence.

mond1 mond2






From creating this design I can now appreciate the visual aspect which the concept can interpret. I much prefer the second design, more interesting and eye catching than my first attempt which displays to me the aesthetic nature in which mathematical concepts can be used. Linking this to pedagogy I now have a greater understanding of why links are so important to draw learners into cross curricular learning opportunities, in this case Art. This further links to Ma’s description that teaching Maths should be interlinked and meaningful when discussing fundamental mathematics. The fundamental mathematics which can be explored in my own example could be fractions, adding and subtraction, division, symmetry and area and perimeter. I also appreciate the concept of differentiation which can be applied when discussing this concept and using a multitude of learning opportunities targets all learners and their cognitive and physical needs.

Through this varied and interactive approach children can investigate and engage with mathematics freely without fear of error, with creativity and choice. Making mathematics fun and accessible is a key platform to building a child’s confidence and willingness to engage with a negatively perceived subject by many young children.

ren2 ren1

I recently came across this design which reminded me of the Scottish artist Charles Rennie MacIntosh but is actually an example of the Fibonacci sequence, displaying the “golden ratio.” I am a huge fan of Charles Rennie MacIntosh, finding his art work simplistically stunning. I am really excited by the prospect that he has used the Fibonacci sequence in creating his designs, and I can now appreciate how it can be interpreted in different ways by different people in this case an abstract form. My preference toward Charles Rennie MacIntosh’s designs also highlighted my lecturer’s description that this is often an unconscious preference to the aesthetic aspect of the golden ratio.

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