Just a small post as an addition to my previous post on connectedness.
I decided to explore the relative links I could make in curricular areas with mathematics basic ideas. I found that actually, not only could I link for example mathematics with science I could then further link to technology, enterprise, food… the list could go on. The connectedness Ma describes is shown in my diagram. Using this visual as an exploration technique, highlights to me as a prospective teacher, the opportunities for creating lessons meeting multiple experiences and outcomes outlined in CfE documents, in line with the principles of breadth and depth.
Art – Patterns, fractions, estimation, measurement, symmetry, mathematical impact overtime, shape, position and movement.
Finance – Fractions, decimals, expressions, multiples, money, estimation and rounding.
Food – Fractions, time, money, measurement, estimation, rounding and expressions.
Technology – Fractions, percentages, shape, position, movement, measurement, expressions, equations, mathematical impact over time.
Science – Measurement, patterns, relationships, expressions, equations, decimals, power and roots.
Enterprise – Data analysis, fractions, percentages, patterns, relationships, money and expressions.