Spanish Grammar Lesson on Gender

This lesson would take place over a number of days in smaller chunks rather than as one solid lesson.

Lesson Plan

Class/Group: P3/4                                Lesson: Spanish- Gender                       Date:


Previous Experience

Describing myself

Working towards outcomes of a Curriculum for Excellence

I am beginning to share information about myself using familiar vocabulary and basic language structures.

MLAN 1-02b

I am beginning to use illustrated word-banks, picture prompts, picture dictionaries and displays to support my understanding of simple texts.

MLAN 1-11a

With support, I am beginning to experiment with writing in the

language I am learning

MLAN 1-13

Learning Intentions Success Criteria
To learn how the gender of words relating to the family. I will look for patterns in words and their gender.

I will be able to correctly identify the gender of a word.

I can sort the members of family in Spanish by gender.

I can talk to a shoulder partner about what family I have.

I can listen and take turns in a conversation.

I can change an adjective to suit the gender of the word it is describing.


Resources Powerpoint, IWB, dice, mini whiteboards, picture cards
Timing Assessment methods

15 minutes




5 minutes

10 minutes


10 minutes


10 minutes



10 minutes


10 minutes



10 minutes

Setting the context/Beginning the lesson (Introduction)

Discussion of what we learnt during the previous lesson.


Write on whiteboards any words they remember from last lesson.


Ask if anyone knows any words for the members of the family.


Teaching the learning intentions (Development)


Discuss learning intention and success criteria with pupils.

With the use of the powerpoint, discuss how we determine the gender of a family member and when we use el/la and un/una.


Game of bingo to practice words and determine understanding. (Listening)


In pairs, roll the dice with the different members of the family on it and determine if it is el/la. Form a sentence which includes this member of the family. (Talking and listening)


In table groups, sort the picture/word cards under the headings of el/la. (Reading)


Just as before, roll the dice and form a sentence including this person. This time write the sentence in workbooks.


Ending the lesson (Plenary)


Using the mini whiteboards, ask pupils to write down a word they learned today. Ask them to write down words such as ‘the mother’ to determine understanding.

Discuss with pupils how they found the work- was it too hard or too easy? Was there anything they struggled with? How did they overcome problems? (dictionary, shoulder partner, ask teacher)


















Teacher observation















Teacher observation and discussion

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