Tag Archives: languages

Spanish Grammar Lesson on Gender

This lesson would take place over a number of days in smaller chunks rather than as one solid lesson.

Lesson Plan

Class/Group: P3/4                                Lesson: Spanish- Gender                       Date:


Previous Experience

Describing myself

Working towards outcomes of a Curriculum for Excellence

I am beginning to share information about myself using familiar vocabulary and basic language structures.

MLAN 1-02b

I am beginning to use illustrated word-banks, picture prompts, picture dictionaries and displays to support my understanding of simple texts.

MLAN 1-11a

With support, I am beginning to experiment with writing in the

language I am learning

MLAN 1-13

Learning Intentions Success Criteria
To learn how the gender of words relating to the family. I will look for patterns in words and their gender.

I will be able to correctly identify the gender of a word.

I can sort the members of family in Spanish by gender.

I can talk to a shoulder partner about what family I have.

I can listen and take turns in a conversation.

I can change an adjective to suit the gender of the word it is describing.


Resources Powerpoint, IWB, dice, mini whiteboards, picture cards
Timing Assessment methods

15 minutes




5 minutes

10 minutes


10 minutes


10 minutes



10 minutes


10 minutes



10 minutes

Setting the context/Beginning the lesson (Introduction)

Discussion of what we learnt during the previous lesson.


Write on whiteboards any words they remember from last lesson.


Ask if anyone knows any words for the members of the family.


Teaching the learning intentions (Development)


Discuss learning intention and success criteria with pupils.

With the use of the powerpoint, discuss how we determine the gender of a family member and when we use el/la and un/una.


Game of bingo to practice words and determine understanding. (Listening)


In pairs, roll the dice with the different members of the family on it and determine if it is el/la. Form a sentence which includes this member of the family. (Talking and listening)


In table groups, sort the picture/word cards under the headings of el/la. (Reading)


Just as before, roll the dice and form a sentence including this person. This time write the sentence in workbooks.


Ending the lesson (Plenary)


Using the mini whiteboards, ask pupils to write down a word they learned today. Ask them to write down words such as ‘the mother’ to determine understanding.

Discuss with pupils how they found the work- was it too hard or too easy? Was there anything they struggled with? How did they overcome problems? (dictionary, shoulder partner, ask teacher)


















Teacher observation















Teacher observation and discussion

Ideas for Exploring Texts

As part of our modern languages elective, we had to find three different types of text that we could use in the primary classroom. I thought this task would be quite simple, however, it was difficult to find texts that weren’t too difficult for pupils. Here are the texts I chose:


Image result for spanish menu template

I quite like this resource as it is visually appealing and whilst it contains quite a bit of text, the main information can be found through the headings and subheadings. I like how this text is divided up by the meals of the day, contact information and general information. I would aim this text towards P5/6 as younger pupils can consider the headings whilst older pupils can go deeper into meal descriptions.

The questions I would ask my pupils would be:

  • What type of text do you think this is? (does looking at the structure and layout of the text give them any clues?).
  • What is the purpose of the text? (to advertise, to inform etc?)
  • What is the topic of the text? (look at pictures to help)
  • What are the main parts of this text? (breakfast, lunch, dinner, contact details and information)
  • Do you recognise any of the vocabulary? (theme begins to build up without reading the whole text).
  • Who is the target audience? (children, adults, families etc?)
  • Can you find any words in Spanish that look similar to words in English (cognates)? (this will aid understanding of the text and help to build learner confidence).
  • Are there any words that you don’t recognise? (if so, look them up in a dictionary)


  • Children could ask and tell their shoulder partner what they would order and how much it would be. (for deeper conversations, more vocabulary required)
  • To determine understanding, children could answer basic comprehension questions in English.
  • Pupils could recreate the menu.
  • Pupils could create their own menu for a restaurant (more vocabulary required)
  • In groups, children could research traditional Spanish foods and what they eat at different fiestas and holidays.



I really like this text as it is bright and colourful with a nice amount of text along with some images to engage children. Whilst this text doesn’t have a lot of writing, it is quite complex in places as it only contains imperatives. To introduce imperatives, I think it would be best to use them in classroom routines and instructions verbally. This way children may recognise them in this text and can determine their meaning. I would aim this text at P6/7 due to the use of imperatives and vocabulary.

The questions I would ask my pupils would be:

  • What type of text do you think this is? (does looking at the structure and layout of the text give them any clues?).
  • What is the purpose of the text? (to advertise, to inform etc?)
  • What is the topic of the text? (look at pictures to help)
  • Do you recognise any of the vocabulary? (theme begins to build up without reading the whole text).
  • Who is the target audience? (children, adults, families etc?)
  • Can you find any words in Spanish that look similar to words in English (cognates)? (this will aid understanding of the text and help to build learner confidence).
  • Are there any words that you don’t recognise? (if so, look them up in a dictionary)


  • Conversation- saying what their favourite drink is and asking their partner (additional vocabulary support required)
  • Recreate the poster using different adjectives.
  • Create their own poster for their favourite drink (additional vocabulary support required).


I found it extremely challenging to find a holiday brochure that was suitable for primary aged children. This would be far too difficult for 4-11 year olds, however, I do believe that P7 could look at the brochure on a basic level and not go into depth. They could look at what aspects of Havana are being discussed and find any words they recognise or cognates to form a general understanding of the text. Children could create their own brochure for their town with some lessons on the general places and things to do in the town vocabulary.

Screenshot 2016-04-21 at 8.53.38 PM

Screenshot 2016-04-21 at 8.56.50 PM

1 + 2 Approach- Are we really moving forward?

What is it?

Related imageThe 1 + 2 Approach is a Scottish based policy which aims for all children to leave primary school having learnt two languages alongside their mother tongue. An additional language will be introduced in Primary 1 and a second  additional language will be introduced in Primary 5. Often, French is the first additional language and Spanish/German is the second. However, other languages may be taught.


Image result for benefits of modern languages– expands horizons and allows pupils to explore the world;

– The need to learn languages is increasing with more global interactions thus learning  languages helps young people to improve their employability;

– in an interview with BBC Radio 5, Antonella Sorace explains that learning another language facilitates an understanding of how all languages work including their mother tongue (Stephen Nolan Show, 2018) i.e. learning another language helps children to understand their L1 better;

– helps them to learn and understand other cultures and people better. This helps to develop a better understanding of the world around them and the idea of diversity (Stephen Nolan Show, 2018);

– at a younger age, our brains can process languages better therefore the earlier language learning starts, the better;

– communication skills. Languages help pupils cognitive development.

– other countries know English whereas we don’t know their languages- it can be easy for us to just be lazy and let them speak English instead of challenging ourselves;

– confidence to travel to other countries and help those who come to our country if we can speak their language;

– helps communication with immigrants;

-more chances to do language at secondary level;

– development of teacher confidence.


Image result for modern languages in primary schools

– cross curricular- use the language in other subjects e.g. do some calculations in French;

– bring languages into routines too e.g. register, dinners;

– vary lesson time and make sure that lessons are not too long- little and often;

– get a native speaker to come in- this may help children to perfect their accent;

– various activities to teach the language- games, songs;

– explore the culture e.g. food tasting, geography research;

– start off simply with games and fun activities;

– partner up with a school in the other country to create a link- could do pen pals;

– contact with the secondary schools (language pedagogy and pupil transition);

– whole school approach (greetings, participation);

– choice of L2 and L3- choose languages that come from the same linguistic family so that one language helps the other e.g. French and Spanish.

Image result for problems clipartPotential gaps and issues/problems that might appear

– interference with learning English as they are basically learning two languages at once- no interference however there could still be confusion for children;

– children learning at different paces and some may grasp concepts a lot quicker than others;

– teachers lacking in confidence and lack of knowledge in language skills or in language pedagogy;

– timetabling issues- languages would be the first thing to go- this is why it is so important to incorporate languages into other subject areas;

– introduction of a third language in P5 may be too much for some children e.g. for Polish immigrant who needs to learn English anyway. Decreased quality of language if too many are taught?;

– resources for modern languages- adding another subject=less funding and then teaching 2 languages requires more resources;

– assessment may prove difficult as you don’t want to put pressure on the children and can’t really do oral presentations;

– continuity between primary and secondary- we start two languages at primary languages with no digital resources and set timings, they start secondary and go back to the basics. Secondary teachers are unaware of children’s level of language. Kids start language from beginning and hate it because it is boring and repetitive or they start a completely new language;

no assessment- so that kids and teachers know where they are at in the language;

– no progression;

– different experiences in each school- if in primary school, they were keen for languages you get lots of input, if not, no language experience before secondary school and may find it harder when they enter secondary school;

– no guidelines- no e’s and o’s for early or first level;

– social stigma- other subjects seen as more important, people aren’t well informed, a lot of myths regarding modern languages, attitude of English being a lingua franca- why do we need other languages?,  parents and adults around them cause a preconception of what languages are like- same with mathematics;

– training opportunities- need to be free for teachers;

– idea of getting away from learning vocab lists and learning how to actually communicate with other speakers;

– Issue of what languages do we teach!? How do we as teachers decide which languages are best to learn and would provide the most benefits.

Reflections on the policy

Image result for my thoughtsI think the policy is a great idea. The younger children are the more sponge like their brain is and this learning of modern languages aids cognitive development. As someone who did A level Spanish, I believe that the learning of languages aids understanding of your mother tongue. By teaching languages, we can help open doors and provide opportunities for children to explore the world around them and the various cultures within the world. An understanding and appreciation for other cultures can be developed through the implementation of modern languages and this helps children to understand the concept of diversity. As the number of immigrants increases, I believe it is important that they feel included; by teaching modern languages this could be a key to making them feel accepted and welcomed into their new society. I think that by integrating languages into other subjects, we can make learning fun and often children do not realise they are learning when languages are linked into routines and other subjects. However, I do agree that there are many challenges to this policy, one of which is the lack of knowledge and skills that teachers have. There is a clear lack of knowledge and confidence in teachers as they did not all study languages at school. Additionally, funding for modern languages is currently insufficient. I do, however, believe that these issues can be overcome with time and effort. I believe that we as teachers need to be open minded and willing to take on the challenges that teaching modern languages will present as ultimately I think the outcomes will outweigh the difficulties. I think by implementing this strategy, we can move forward in language learning towards a more equipped and socially accepting society.


Stephen Nolan Show (2018), BBC Radio 5, 17 August. Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0bf4rnv (Accessed: 19 September 2018).