Routines and Helpers

The usual day to day routine is as follows:

9am- All pupils should be in school. Collection of bus, dinner, snack and cabin club money. The snack helpers then go round the other classes. On a Monday, the class look at the Road Safety Calendar and discuss how they can be safe in the environment shown e.g. supermarket car park. Helpers are also chosen for the week. Each day the calendar and weather chart is updated by the assigned person for the week. Homework books are collected on a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Dinner numbers are taken by table colour e.g. 4 red pegs for 4 people at the red table.

10.20am– Milk helpers go and collect the milk.

10.30-10.45am- Break time. There is a prayer- “For friends and food and all things good, we give you thanks oh Lord, amen.”. First those getting snack from the canteen collect their break and then those who brought snack get theirs. Children eat in the classroom and can bring their break outside if needs be.

11.55am– Meal vouchers are handed out and school dinner people line up by table. Packed lunch people can get their lunch and eat it in the classroom.

12.55pm- Lunch ends.

2pm- Junior home time– Cabin club line up at the teacher’s desk. Cars and walkers line up at the door and the teacher waits with them to ensure each child is collected by an adult.

2-3pm- Cabin club. This is an after school club for pupils in P1-3. It means parents who have older children in the school only need to do one school run. Children usually play outside or in the play based learning mobile classroom. It is ran by classroom assistants.

3pm- Senior home time.

3-4pmAfter school clubs such as netball, hockey, rugby and football. P2/3 can do drama or gymnastics from 2-3pm.


  • Milk helpers- these two pupils collect the milk for the class and bring it back to the classroom at break time.
  • Calendar- this pupil is responsible for changing the calendar each day of the week. The calendar displays what the previous day was, what day it is, what day tomorrow is and what the weather is like.
  • Power-rangers- these two pupils must ensure that the lights are turned off when the class leave a room. They should be at the end of the line when leaving a room.
  • Snack money helpers- these two pupils go round the other junior classes to collect numbers and money for snack. They take this to the canteen first thing in the morning.
  • Table leaders- At each table there is a leader for the week. They are responsible for collecting the table trays and returning them each day and sometimes they are responsible for collecting worksheets. The leader changes each week. This helps to prevent chaos at the bench where the trays are kept.

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