Spanish Grammar Lesson on Gender

This lesson would take place over a number of days in smaller chunks rather than as one solid lesson.

Lesson Plan

Class/Group: P3/4                                Lesson: Spanish- Gender                       Date:


Previous Experience

Describing myself

Working towards outcomes of a Curriculum for Excellence

I am beginning to share information about myself using familiar vocabulary and basic language structures.

MLAN 1-02b

I am beginning to use illustrated word-banks, picture prompts, picture dictionaries and displays to support my understanding of simple texts.

MLAN 1-11a

With support, I am beginning to experiment with writing in the

language I am learning

MLAN 1-13

Learning Intentions Success Criteria
To learn how the gender of words relating to the family. I will look for patterns in words and their gender.

I will be able to correctly identify the gender of a word.

I can sort the members of family in Spanish by gender.

I can talk to a shoulder partner about what family I have.

I can listen and take turns in a conversation.

I can change an adjective to suit the gender of the word it is describing.


Resources Powerpoint, IWB, dice, mini whiteboards, picture cards
Timing Assessment methods

15 minutes




5 minutes

10 minutes


10 minutes


10 minutes



10 minutes


10 minutes



10 minutes

Setting the context/Beginning the lesson (Introduction)

Discussion of what we learnt during the previous lesson.


Write on whiteboards any words they remember from last lesson.


Ask if anyone knows any words for the members of the family.


Teaching the learning intentions (Development)


Discuss learning intention and success criteria with pupils.

With the use of the powerpoint, discuss how we determine the gender of a family member and when we use el/la and un/una.


Game of bingo to practice words and determine understanding. (Listening)


In pairs, roll the dice with the different members of the family on it and determine if it is el/la. Form a sentence which includes this member of the family. (Talking and listening)


In table groups, sort the picture/word cards under the headings of el/la. (Reading)


Just as before, roll the dice and form a sentence including this person. This time write the sentence in workbooks.


Ending the lesson (Plenary)


Using the mini whiteboards, ask pupils to write down a word they learned today. Ask them to write down words such as ‘the mother’ to determine understanding.

Discuss with pupils how they found the work- was it too hard or too easy? Was there anything they struggled with? How did they overcome problems? (dictionary, shoulder partner, ask teacher)


















Teacher observation















Teacher observation and discussion

Ideas for Exploring Texts

As part of our modern languages elective, we had to find three different types of text that we could use in the primary classroom. I thought this task would be quite simple, however, it was difficult to find texts that weren’t too difficult for pupils. Here are the texts I chose:


Image result for spanish menu template

I quite like this resource as it is visually appealing and whilst it contains quite a bit of text, the main information can be found through the headings and subheadings. I like how this text is divided up by the meals of the day, contact information and general information. I would aim this text towards P5/6 as younger pupils can consider the headings whilst older pupils can go deeper into meal descriptions.

The questions I would ask my pupils would be:

  • What type of text do you think this is? (does looking at the structure and layout of the text give them any clues?).
  • What is the purpose of the text? (to advertise, to inform etc?)
  • What is the topic of the text? (look at pictures to help)
  • What are the main parts of this text? (breakfast, lunch, dinner, contact details and information)
  • Do you recognise any of the vocabulary? (theme begins to build up without reading the whole text).
  • Who is the target audience? (children, adults, families etc?)
  • Can you find any words in Spanish that look similar to words in English (cognates)? (this will aid understanding of the text and help to build learner confidence).
  • Are there any words that you don’t recognise? (if so, look them up in a dictionary)


  • Children could ask and tell their shoulder partner what they would order and how much it would be. (for deeper conversations, more vocabulary required)
  • To determine understanding, children could answer basic comprehension questions in English.
  • Pupils could recreate the menu.
  • Pupils could create their own menu for a restaurant (more vocabulary required)
  • In groups, children could research traditional Spanish foods and what they eat at different fiestas and holidays.



I really like this text as it is bright and colourful with a nice amount of text along with some images to engage children. Whilst this text doesn’t have a lot of writing, it is quite complex in places as it only contains imperatives. To introduce imperatives, I think it would be best to use them in classroom routines and instructions verbally. This way children may recognise them in this text and can determine their meaning. I would aim this text at P6/7 due to the use of imperatives and vocabulary.

The questions I would ask my pupils would be:

  • What type of text do you think this is? (does looking at the structure and layout of the text give them any clues?).
  • What is the purpose of the text? (to advertise, to inform etc?)
  • What is the topic of the text? (look at pictures to help)
  • Do you recognise any of the vocabulary? (theme begins to build up without reading the whole text).
  • Who is the target audience? (children, adults, families etc?)
  • Can you find any words in Spanish that look similar to words in English (cognates)? (this will aid understanding of the text and help to build learner confidence).
  • Are there any words that you don’t recognise? (if so, look them up in a dictionary)


  • Conversation- saying what their favourite drink is and asking their partner (additional vocabulary support required)
  • Recreate the poster using different adjectives.
  • Create their own poster for their favourite drink (additional vocabulary support required).


I found it extremely challenging to find a holiday brochure that was suitable for primary aged children. This would be far too difficult for 4-11 year olds, however, I do believe that P7 could look at the brochure on a basic level and not go into depth. They could look at what aspects of Havana are being discussed and find any words they recognise or cognates to form a general understanding of the text. Children could create their own brochure for their town with some lessons on the general places and things to do in the town vocabulary.

Screenshot 2016-04-21 at 8.53.38 PM

Screenshot 2016-04-21 at 8.56.50 PM

1 + 2 Approach- Are we really moving forward?

What is it?

Related imageThe 1 + 2 Approach is a Scottish based policy which aims for all children to leave primary school having learnt two languages alongside their mother tongue. An additional language will be introduced in Primary 1 and a second  additional language will be introduced in Primary 5. Often, French is the first additional language and Spanish/German is the second. However, other languages may be taught.


Image result for benefits of modern languages– expands horizons and allows pupils to explore the world;

– The need to learn languages is increasing with more global interactions thus learning  languages helps young people to improve their employability;

– in an interview with BBC Radio 5, Antonella Sorace explains that learning another language facilitates an understanding of how all languages work including their mother tongue (Stephen Nolan Show, 2018) i.e. learning another language helps children to understand their L1 better;

– helps them to learn and understand other cultures and people better. This helps to develop a better understanding of the world around them and the idea of diversity (Stephen Nolan Show, 2018);

– at a younger age, our brains can process languages better therefore the earlier language learning starts, the better;

– communication skills. Languages help pupils cognitive development.

– other countries know English whereas we don’t know their languages- it can be easy for us to just be lazy and let them speak English instead of challenging ourselves;

– confidence to travel to other countries and help those who come to our country if we can speak their language;

– helps communication with immigrants;

-more chances to do language at secondary level;

– development of teacher confidence.


Image result for modern languages in primary schools

– cross curricular- use the language in other subjects e.g. do some calculations in French;

– bring languages into routines too e.g. register, dinners;

– vary lesson time and make sure that lessons are not too long- little and often;

– get a native speaker to come in- this may help children to perfect their accent;

– various activities to teach the language- games, songs;

– explore the culture e.g. food tasting, geography research;

– start off simply with games and fun activities;

– partner up with a school in the other country to create a link- could do pen pals;

– contact with the secondary schools (language pedagogy and pupil transition);

– whole school approach (greetings, participation);

– choice of L2 and L3- choose languages that come from the same linguistic family so that one language helps the other e.g. French and Spanish.

Image result for problems clipartPotential gaps and issues/problems that might appear

– interference with learning English as they are basically learning two languages at once- no interference however there could still be confusion for children;

– children learning at different paces and some may grasp concepts a lot quicker than others;

– teachers lacking in confidence and lack of knowledge in language skills or in language pedagogy;

– timetabling issues- languages would be the first thing to go- this is why it is so important to incorporate languages into other subject areas;

– introduction of a third language in P5 may be too much for some children e.g. for Polish immigrant who needs to learn English anyway. Decreased quality of language if too many are taught?;

– resources for modern languages- adding another subject=less funding and then teaching 2 languages requires more resources;

– assessment may prove difficult as you don’t want to put pressure on the children and can’t really do oral presentations;

– continuity between primary and secondary- we start two languages at primary languages with no digital resources and set timings, they start secondary and go back to the basics. Secondary teachers are unaware of children’s level of language. Kids start language from beginning and hate it because it is boring and repetitive or they start a completely new language;

no assessment- so that kids and teachers know where they are at in the language;

– no progression;

– different experiences in each school- if in primary school, they were keen for languages you get lots of input, if not, no language experience before secondary school and may find it harder when they enter secondary school;

– no guidelines- no e’s and o’s for early or first level;

– social stigma- other subjects seen as more important, people aren’t well informed, a lot of myths regarding modern languages, attitude of English being a lingua franca- why do we need other languages?,  parents and adults around them cause a preconception of what languages are like- same with mathematics;

– training opportunities- need to be free for teachers;

– idea of getting away from learning vocab lists and learning how to actually communicate with other speakers;

– Issue of what languages do we teach!? How do we as teachers decide which languages are best to learn and would provide the most benefits.

Reflections on the policy

Image result for my thoughtsI think the policy is a great idea. The younger children are the more sponge like their brain is and this learning of modern languages aids cognitive development. As someone who did A level Spanish, I believe that the learning of languages aids understanding of your mother tongue. By teaching languages, we can help open doors and provide opportunities for children to explore the world around them and the various cultures within the world. An understanding and appreciation for other cultures can be developed through the implementation of modern languages and this helps children to understand the concept of diversity. As the number of immigrants increases, I believe it is important that they feel included; by teaching modern languages this could be a key to making them feel accepted and welcomed into their new society. I think that by integrating languages into other subjects, we can make learning fun and often children do not realise they are learning when languages are linked into routines and other subjects. However, I do agree that there are many challenges to this policy, one of which is the lack of knowledge and skills that teachers have. There is a clear lack of knowledge and confidence in teachers as they did not all study languages at school. Additionally, funding for modern languages is currently insufficient. I do, however, believe that these issues can be overcome with time and effort. I believe that we as teachers need to be open minded and willing to take on the challenges that teaching modern languages will present as ultimately I think the outcomes will outweigh the difficulties. I think by implementing this strategy, we can move forward in language learning towards a more equipped and socially accepting society.


Stephen Nolan Show (2018), BBC Radio 5, 17 August. Available at: (Accessed: 19 September 2018).

The Final Wrap Up

This placement has provided me with several learning opportunities and I am developing my own educational philosophy and teacher style. I was fortunate to have such a wide range of experiences during the six weeks with school trips, sports competitions and one to one observations. Gaining insight into these aspects has allowed me to grow in confidence of what is to face me as a teacher. I think by going on school trips as a student, I will be better prepared for when I need to plan one as a qualified teacher.

At the beginning of placement, I was not feeling confident in my ability to be a teacher. I think my tough placement last year made me really doubt myself and wonder if this career is the one for me. I now feel more confident in my ability to deliver a lesson. Last year, I was constantly feeling I needed to refer to my lesson plan and stick to it. Whereas, this year I was confident enough to teach the lesson without looking at my plan and was able to take the learning wherever the children led it (within reason!).

I have found lesson plans are coming more naturally to me and I am getting the learning intentions and success criteria are appropriate. Clarke (2001, pp. 19) believes that sharing the learning intentions is the first step to formative assessment. Research has found that children are more motivated and focused when they know what the objective of the task is. I have developed an ability and understanding of how to gauge a lesson right for each child and differentiate accordingly. I know that I still have a long way to go with my confidence and just trust my own judgement as if I act confident the children will trust me. Whilst I have taken some risks on this placement, I think it is important for me to challenge myself to continue taking them as I need to build up my confidence by seeing that risks sometimes do pay off. 

As a student who was educated in Northern Ireland until coming to Dundee for university where I have experienced 6 weeks of the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence, I have found it interesting to compare the two systems. I would say that the aims of each subject area are more specific in the Experiences and Outcomes. With NI, it is less specific on what topic the learning would be on and is instead about developing the skills. Additionally, whilst Scotland has standardised testing at the end of P1, P4 and P7 in primary school, Northern Irish children are assessed every year through teacher assessment and planned tasks and activities. Formal results, in the form of levels, are reported to parents at the end of primary 4 and 7. Certainly, from this experience I would say that Northern Ireland schools are more open to expressing and exploring Christian values. This, however, may just be the case for a few schools rather than the majority in NI.

Last year, my class were extremely difficult for all staff and myself to manage. This meant that my tutor’s feedback on my behaviour management was poor, decreasing my confidence in myself. This placement has really helped me to build this confidence up as the class have been well settled I adapted a firm but fair approach with the pupils which appeared to work as they respected me whilst we also had fun together. Pitt (2001, pp.155) believes that the best ways to support good class management are to vary the type of activity to cater for different learning styles, link learning to children’s interests and maximise the time spent on direct teaching. I tried to incorporate this into my lessons. During my time on placement, I tried to minimise interruptions, however, it is not always possible to avoid interruptions e.g. children from another class with a message. I felt my expectations were clear so the children were not distracted or likely to interrupt e.g. talking or playing with pencils. The class teacher was very impressed with my control over the class and didn’t see any cause for concern.

I really appreciated getting to see some work with children who have additional support needs as this wasn’t something that I experienced on placement last year yet is likely to be extremely common in my future classes. I feel better equipped to deal with these situations, however, each situation and how I approach it will be unique to each child.

I tried to work on cross curricular learning during this placement. My main literacy topic of the Lighthouse Keeper provided many opportunities to link learning to crafts, RE and even data handling. I planned to read Jack and the Beanstalk to lead into measuring and planting beans but unfortunately as I learned there can be interruptions during the school day. I developed a confidence and ability to deal with change and take over from the class teacher without notice.

Finally, the types of assessment I saw in action have helped to inform my practice and consider how I might assess future learning. Clarke (2001, pp.40) suggests training children to self evaluate e.g. what made you really think? What helped you (e.g. a friend, a teacher, wall display) when you found something tricky? What are you most pleased with about this lesson? This helps improve self esteem as pupils feel more confident with admitting they were wrong and what they did to try and help themselves. The school has adopted the following assessment for learning strategies:

  • “No hands up, its thinking time” – this means that all children need to think as the teacher could ask anyone. Children cannot hide and not make an effort, everyone needs to try.
  • Positive discipline- rewarded or praised for good work in the hope that others will change their behaviour to follow the example of the hard working pupil
  • Traffic lights- red “I need help”, amber “It’s making me think but I can manage on my own.” And green “I understand this well”
  • Response partners- In pairs the children read each others work and write some comments about it. For younger children, this could be an oral activity.
  • 2 stars and a wish
  • Self assessment at the end of a topic using traffic light colours

Overall, this placement has been a great success and I am feeling more content with teaching as my chosen profession.


Clarke, S. (2001) Unlocking Formative Assessment. Bristol: Hodder Headline Group.

Pitt, E. (2001) Ready, Set, Go – Maths. Interboard Numeracy Group.

Jump Rope for Heart

During my placement, I was given a teacher’s handbook on the introduction and use of skipping to improve and inform pupils of how to keep their heart healthy. It was put together by the British Heart Foundation and discusses the benefits to the heart as well as additional pros such as boosting self esteem (British Heart Foundation, 1999).

All of the citations in this blog post are from the British Heart Foundation’s Teacher Handbook (1999).

The Jump Rope for Heart initiative is all about getting children exercising and keeping healthy whilst having fun.through skipping. It is a whole body activity that uses the large muscle groups in the legs, helping to improve overall co-ordination and body streng

th. As it is a weight-bearing activity, it helps with bone density and the management of weight along with a balanced diet. This is important as there is a rise in childhood obesity. Additionally, skipping has the potential to enhance self esteem and self image as well as improve timing and rhythm (pp.5).



Jump Rope for Heart fits well into the curriculum of both NI and Scotland with teaching requirements including encourage pupils to be physically active and engagement in physical activities that develop cardiovascular health, flexibility and muscular strength and endurance (pp.7.

Skipping is nto limited to physical education lessons. It could be incorporated into creative writing, music or mathematical experiments. It allows for exploration of the effects on exercise on the body for older pupils (pp.11).

Teachers should start right at the basics i.e. without the rope. This sounds a bit strange for a skipping programme but it is important pupils know how to land correctly and safely when they jump. Next is keeping to a rhythm, perhaps by putting some music on as pupils skip. Some pupils may benefit from group or partner skipping in order to further develop their skills and increase their confidence. Once pupils are ready they could move onto more complex techniques such as spinning around or side swings with the rope. Skipping rhymes could be introduced for children to jump along too. This will help challenge children to keep in time to a song (pp. 84-100).

I would definitely consider using this programme with future classes as there are so many benefits to it. Children can work at whatever level they feel most comfortable at allowing for differentiation. Everyone is able to join in, no matter their age, gender or ability. I think this could be a really enjoyable project for pupils. It does not have to be limited to PE classes and can be adapted to suit the interests and needs of the class e.g. if they have a great interest in maths, they could do experiments involving the length of rope and the time taken to jump 15 times.


British Heart Foundation (1999) Jump Rope for Heart: Teacher’s Manual. 

The Lighthouse Keeper- Cross Curricular Learning

The Lighthouse Keeper book series allowed us to explore lighthouses through craft, play, mathematics and RE. We made our very own lighthouses which are now being used a night lights in the children’s bedrooms. We also had some play sessions focussing on lighthouses and the Grinlings. This featured some lovely paper basket making, lighthouses made from Lego and even a lighthouse inspired marble run. We linked Mr Grinling’s sandwiches into our own sandwich making and even used our mathematical brains to complete a tally chart and a pictograph. We even looked at a very special person’s own picnic when we learned all about Jesus feeding the five thousand. Below are some videos and pictures of the things we got up to:

A pictograph showing the class’ favourite sandwiches.

The pupils were very proud of their hard work.

One pupil created a marble run inspired by the lighthouses we were learning about.

The pupils were able to practice their social and numeracy skills whilst running the beach hut.

Transferrable Skills Record

At the start of placement I really wanted to work on the following skills:

Skill Halfway Through Placement End of Placement
Effective relationships with others I feel I have developed a good relationship with both staff and pupils. I do think I am quite quiet in the staff room but I believe this is partly due to feeling weird about being in a staff room with teachers who taught me. Hopefully, over the final weeks I will feel more comfortable with all staff members. I believe I have integrated well into the staff team and staff members are aware that I am willing to help them. Throughout my placement, I tried to chat with each staff member and ensure that they knew who I was and saw me showing an interest in them. Whilst I have been quiet in the staff, I think I have integrated well into the team. I definitely feel I have developed a good relationship with my class teacher and classroom assistant which is extremely important as a teacher. A good relationship between the class teacher and classroom assistant makes the classroom run more smoothly. The children and I got on really well and they were always very excited to tell me about the various things going on in their lives such as wobbly teeth. They were also very sad when they heard I was leaving and said I better come back! I think I had a fun but fair relationship with the children and put my foot down when required.
Effective communication with others  I think I am doing quite well at this as anything my class teacher or classroom assistant has needed to know I have told them e.g. child leaving money or any cause for concern. My communication with the children has been clear as they usually know what they need to do and understand my expectations. I informed my teacher of any concerns that I had about the placement or any children. There weren’t any communication errors and the class teacher was aware of what I had planned for each day. Whilst teaching the children, I have made my expectations and instructions as clear as possible. This has ensured that the children know what the task is as well as what I expect from them.
Demonstrate professionalism and commitment to my role I think I am demonstrating a professionalism and commitment to my role as a student teacher. I am trying to show initiative when I can and am trying to keep up with the workload. I demonstrated my professionalism and commitment by attending placement everyday that I was able to. I took 2 days off due to sickness and 1 day off to do uni work as my teacher insisted so. I showed maturity and initiative when making decisions and teaching the children. I kept on top of the workload and handed in my lesson plans on time.
Understanding of the best level for a class and how much differentiation is appropriate At the minute, I think I am finding this quite hard as there is quite a range of needs within the class. Some children are finishing the extension activity whilst others don’t manage to complete the main worksheet. I need to work on getting the level right for the children to ensure challenge and enjoyment for all pupils. At the end of placement, I am feeling happier with gauging the level right for this class. I know that some children need pictures to help them understand the worksheet as they are not yet confident readers whilst some need more complex words to stretch them. I gauged my reading group’s worksheets “perfectly” according to the class teacher. I have learnt the importance of always having an extension sheet at the ready and then an idea in mind for those who manage to finish the extension. The pupils were challenged but also enjoyed their learning.
Continue to develop my organisational skills and always try to be one step ahead  So far I think I have been fairly organised as I have kept up to date with my blogs as well as producing lesson plans for the class teacher. Sometimes, I leave the typing up of my evaluations a few days but I usually have a written reflection. I need to try and be one step ahead and write up my evaluations on the day I give the lesson. Throughout this placement, I have been pretty organised. I think I was a bit more laid back about it all as I knew my main work was the blog and I didn’t need to do lesson plans for every single lesson. However, my teacher asked me to create a lesson plan for every lesson which I can now see the benefit and importance of. By doing these lesson plans, I was confident in what I was doing. I got better at writing my reflections on the day of my lesson as time went on.
Demonstrate sensitivity to the needs of others, respecting their individual rights and supporting their development I have demonstrated a sensitivity to the needs of both the staff and pupils. I understand that everyone is different and therefore has their own needs and interests which need to be respected and considered especially within the school. I feel this came easily to me as I tend to put the needs of others above my own and love caring for people. I understood that these children came from various backgrounds such as divorce, single parent and one child had even had brain surgery. This meant I had to be sensitive to their needs and also consider what topics and stories I did with the class to avoid any unnecessary upset or stress. I needed to consider the needs of every single child and adapt my teaching to suit them. I also understood that not everyone there would have the same values and beliefs as me although they were similar.
Develop my own educational philosophy whilst using other educators’ beliefs and values to inform and justify my beliefs and practice  So far I have learnt a bit more about my own educational philosophy but have also benefitted from observing other teachers and learning of their values and beliefs. I felt this placement was an ideal school for me as my educational philosophy is quite similar to that of the staff. The school has Christian values and believes that educators need to show children they care in order to build a relationship with them and thus help them learn effectively.
Act professionally in all situations both inside and outside the classroom I have acted professionally both inside and outside the classroom. As a student teacher, I know that I must promise confidentiality and nothing should be shared on social media about my placement. I have ensured that no information is shared that would not be considered appropriate or professional. As a student teacher, it is always made clear to us that we are not to share any confidential or personal information to anyone in person or online. Whilst I shared various stories of what I had got up to and any cute/funny stories, I ensured that anything personal regarding the staff, pupils or school did not leave the classroom. Ultimately, I know that these measures are in place not only to protect the person and the school but also myself.
Explore and experiment new ideas, taking risks whilst showing confidence  I have tried out some new ideas which I was unsure of how successful they would be. It was important that I acted confident even if I didn’t feel it as the kids would notice any uncertainty within me. So far, they have paid off. I want to keep experimenting and determine what ideas might be good for future classes. During this placement, I have had the opportunity to experiment and explore new ideas without the pressure of a tutor visit. This has allowed me to determine what ideas work and how to improve those which didn’t go so well. As it was an Early Years and Key Stage 1 placement, all of my ideas were new and I was unsure of how they would work. I decided to take risks with my crafts between the Easter chicks and the mighty lighthouse project. I wasn’t sure if these would be too hard or easy for them but I felt they were just right for this class. I also took a risk with the Lighthouse Keeper book series as these books are aimed at pupils aged 6-11 which is quite an age range. I changed some of the words in the books to help pupils gain a better understanding of the stories. I tried to include a wide range of activities to try and explore the different needs and learning styles within a classroom.
Demonstrate the capacity to work with and manage change  This is a different environment compared to placement last year in that it is a different curriculum and the school has different values to the Roman Catholic school I was in. There haven’t been too many unexpected changes so far and all of them have been easy to adapt to. Just like any other primary school, there have been unanticipated changes within the school day. Sometimes, it was that the hall was no longer available or that there was a special assembly. Even the likes of it being a super rainy day when you’d planned to go outside. As primary teachers, we always need to have a backup and be prepared to deal with the expected. I felt I have dealt with changes well as during my time I had several nose bleeds, sick children and on a few occasions the class teacher had to leave the room unexpectedly. During these times I have had to take over and teach the class and I feel I have managed this well.
Be systematic, well-prepared and capable of planning ahead  My planning has gone well so far and I am keeping up well with lesson plans. I have had all my lesson plans ready the week before I am teaching the lessons but need to work on how quickly I evaluate them. It is undeniable that teachers need to be prepared. This placement has shown me this with the various happenings within the school and how they can affect the classroom timetable and routines. It is important to try and be one step ahead and have a back up plan incase something doesn’t go according to plan. By the end of placement I usually had something else up my sleeve just incase the children didn’t respond as well as I’d hoped. I want to continue to work on this to ensure that I always have something else I can do with a class if my original plan isn’t working. I completed my lesson plans on time and handed my folder into my teacher to give her enough time to read it, get it back to me and give me feedback on it before the final day.