Category Archives: My educational philosophy

2016: The Blog Awakens – A new saga!

So here it is the infamous first blog post that will probably be read the most. Anyone who decides to view my page and has the motivation to go back to the start will always land on this post…. My First. Of which shows the most lacking ability of true blogger and already the chatter is beginning to build into just random ramblings on.

So blogging will this be a success, academically it’ll have to be, if I have any intention of passing but I want to give a fair go to personally becoming apart of the online community. I often see myself as a ‘Traditionalist Communicator’ I always prefer to sit with people bouncing off each others conversation, going off on different tangents and having a good laugh whereas to sitting alone in a room in group chat with 25 people and whenever we meet there is nothing to talk about I already know about what is going on in their own lives. So I believe the only successful method to at least stick with blogging is to imagine their is someone in front of me (with a coffee of course… what else) having a conversation. I hope this blog has been in successful in attempting this.

Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year

Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year

Working through the MA course last year I think I worked well on the e-portfolio, however, this was a private aspect of the course of simply putting together the Tutor-Directed-Tasks and uploading them to be seen by your tutor. Glow blogs is a whole different game to me where it is public to you (my class blog groups / my friends / my tutors) and most importantly you – the world wide web!

I only hope that this is a success to reflect on my readings and experiences, share my thoughts and present my opinions on topics and subjects from – Education / Teaching / University / Society / Media and Myself.