Category Archives: 1 Prof. Values & Personal Commitment

My goals for MA1 placement


Goals for placement

  1. One of my goals I am aiming to achieve on my 1PP1 placement is to not be passive. I do not want to be a student teacher who sits at the back of the class and does not get involved in activities. I want to get involved as much as possible with the children and class teacher to maximize my experience while on my 1PP1 placement.
  2. Another goal is that I want to be on top of my ROTR tasks and be as organized as possible while on placement so I am not panicking in the evenings or on weekends and trying to get them all done. Therefore I need to be able to keep a balance between being involved with class activities and having time to complete my ROTR tasks.
  3. To build effective relationships with the pupils; maintaining a professional outlook as well as having a relationship where the pupils feel comfortable coming to me if they have any problems

Did I achieve these goals?

1. From the very first day of placement I asked the class teacher if I could go round every pupil and ask a little bit about their self.