Category Archives: UoDEdushare

I want to be a teacher because…

I have always gravitated to caring projects and I also thrive from helping other people learn and grow. Throughout school I Helped my mum coach badminton to others in my primary school. Although Badminton was not my favourite sport, this was my favourite time of the week as i could help others improve their game. I became a prefect in school with my main goal being to protect vulnerable students from bullying which I had faced in the early years of secondary school. This again is my way of utalising a role to help others and push their development. In 6th year I chose to spend 2 days a week in my local primary school taking up a assistant teachers role which allowed me to develop a close relationship with many of the students and heloping them to improve there skills. After school I take a year out after school to travel to India to teach young people English and computing for a year. This appealed to me as I would be able to bring my knowledge and some resources from a privileged education to those whose access to this level of learning is very limited. I learnt a lifetime of lessons in India which only drove me more to become a primary teacher and the best one I could at that. Through my past, I have gathered a wealth of knowledge which I will untilise on my journey to become a teacher and throughout my career which I am greatly looking forward to.