Tag Archives: conservation

Panda travels!

science centre koreaPatrick the Panda had a great time today at Seoul’s massive science centre. He learned lots about how science had helped people all over the world and how it could help solve problems.

He learned about wind power and how it can be used to make renewable energy. He also met the inventor of an electric kit car. Electric cars can be powered by renewable energy and can help tackle climate change. This is because they don’t produce ‎as many greenhouse gases as cars that are powered by fossil fuels. The inventor hopes his electric kit car will become popular in Korea. He made it himself in the science centre’s make lab.electric car

Patrick went all panda-eyed when he saw this man zipping about in Seoul. H‎e thinks was an in line skate. He’d never seen it before but if people left their cars behind and used this to travel short distances then it could also reduce emissions. Walking would be even better but Patrick is a bit of lazy Panda at times!

What is in our Wooded Area?

borestone woodWith the help from OPAL scientists and The Conservation Volunteers, the adventurous P3s went on a bug hunt. They explored our playground, school playing fields and wooded area. They discovered that bugs prefer the wooded area as there is much more cover and food. Lots of worms, slaters and beetles were found but a ladybird got away!

The children recorded the bugs they found. Look out for our results in the OPAL web site. The children are looking forward to comparing what they find on their bug hunt in June.

Bugs at Borestone

borestone bugsThe P7s explored pond life with the help from OPAL Community Scientist and The Conservation Volunteers. They discovered that caddisfly and dragonfly larvae are found in healthy pond water. Snails and worm-like animals indicate that the pond water might be polluted. They also had the opportunity to discuss and create a pond life food chain. In addition the children were introduced to various types of lichens. Next week the children will use their knowledge of lichens to explore air quality.