Sparkle the Panda goes hunting for germs!

Our new visitor Sparkle the Panda has been learning lots of things as part of primary 2’s science lessons.

panda germ 2

This week we have been discovering where germs live and that the proper name for them is bacteria. There are some good bacteria and some bad bacteria. We have to wash our hands before we eat otherwise bad bacteria might get into our stomachs and make us sick.

To investigate where the bacteria are we used a special gel. We rubbed it all over our hands and then washed them. Then we put our hands under an ultraviolet light (this is a type of light that looks a bit purple but is also invisible.) The light showed up where the bacteria were on our hands still.

panda germ

Primary 2 and Sparkle the Panda learned that we need to make sure we wash our hands well.

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