Dundee Science Centre has recently welcomed a new member to their STEM Learning Team, Finn-Finn the Panda!
Finn-Finn has joined us to explore the STEM world across the North East Scotland region and learn lots of amazing scientific facts along the way.

When Finn-Finn arrived he explained that he was born to do this and has always appreciated science. His roots are as exciting as his mission, while being born in China his name originates from the Norwegian Finn-Finn – literally translating to Find-Find. Well Finn-Finn will certainly find a lot of interesting discoveries in Dundee.
Finn-Finn was very excited to discover that Dundee Science Centre has been celebrating the launch of the UK’s first European Space Agency astronaut, Tim Peake, on his Principia mission to the International Space Station.

Tim will be carrying out many experiments while in space; growing some rocket plants (get it? rocket!), creating some new recipes for space food, while investigating how we could sleep in space. Finn-Finn hopes Tim might grow some bamboo in space for a tasty treat, but questions if it would taste different if grown in zero-gravity…
Dundee Science Centre and Finn-Finn will be following Tim’s progress and celebrating his return to Earth later in 2016.
In the meantime Finn-Finn will begin his own astronaut training… He seems keen enough!

Finn-Finn recommends to other Panda reporters to look at the resources about space science from Principia and Destination Space for ideas.