Author Archives: Chelsea Blacklaw

My Mathematical Experiences in School

Thinking back to primary school, I have vague memories of group lessons where we would all scribble answers on individual whiteboards and hold them up for the teacher to see. This would have been one of our ‘fun’ lessons. I suppose it was fun in comparison to my other vague memories of doing silent exercise books – my mind would often wonder and I do remember (I think in upper primary school) being told off for not completing my questions in time.

When I was in high school, I was lucky to have a really great maths teacher, Mr Dunbar, who was particularly engaging as well as patient – two necessary qualities to possess when teaching maths to an easily distracted teenager.

On the whole, I wouldn’t say I have any particularly horrifying memories of learning mathematics. However it definitely wasn’t a subject that I would say I really enjoyed. I do hold a little anxiety at the thought of teaching maths, but more so because I guess I just feel that my knowledge is a little rusty – a wee dusting off and a bit more confidence and I should be ready to go!

‘Huh. I wonder where my class has gone?’

The first question everyone asks when we begin our journey to become a teacher is why?

Most student teachers would try to pin point one reason: one teacher they had or one day at school or one experience. For me, there are many reasons. I guess the simplest and yet most fundamentally important one is the kids. Simple as that. To be able to inspire and excite their imaginations; to create a safe space where they can be themselves; to give them the tools and support that they need to flourish academically, creatively and emotionally – these are the reasons why.

As we embark on the next four years, I look forward to sharing my experiences and hearing all about yours, so that we can learn together, grow together and thrive together on our exciting journey’s to becoming wonderful teachers.