Tha 16 sgoilearan againn ann an clas 5/6/7. Ann an teirm 1, dh ’ionnsaich sinn mu na Seann Ghreugaich agus a-nis, tha sinn ag ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn Afganastan agus gnìomhachas an sgadain. Tha sinn a’ coimhead air adhart ris a’chòrr den bhliadhna sa chlas agus tha tòrr ionnsachadh romhainn fhathast.
All posts by Staff
P3-4 Gàidhlig
Tha 16 sgoilearan againn ann an clas 3-4 Gàidhlig. Is toil leinn a’ leughadh, sgrìobhadh agus a’ cunntais. Is toil leinn ag ionnsachadh mun t-saoghal mun cuairt oirnn agus tha sinn gu math spòrsail.
Bi sinn ag ionnsachadh sgilean ealain le a Bh Ph NicNèill. Tha sinn air a bhith ag ionnsachadh mu na Ròmanaich is mu na rudan as urrainn dhuinn a dhèanamh gus ar n-àranneachd a chumail àlainn. Tha Gàidhlig gu math cudromach dhuinn agus bi sinn a’ feuchainn ar sgilean cànain a bhrosnachadh.
P1-2 Gàidhlig
Tha 13 sgoilearan againn ann an clas 1-2 Gàidhlig am bliadhna agus tha sinn air a bhith ag ionnsachadh mu Ar Coimhearsnachd. An ath theirm bidh sinn ag ionnsachadh mu dhèidhinn Dèideagan agus Taighean is Dachaighean.
P5-7 English
We have 21 pupils in P5-7. So far this year we have been busy learning about Rights Respecting Schools and Our Community. Over the next two terms we will be studying World War II and Natural Disasters. Our P7 pupils are looking forward to starting their transition into the secondary in the new year.
P1-4 English
This year we have 20 pupils in the P1-4 class. For our Social Studies topics, we have been learning about Rights Respecting Schools and Castles over Term 1 and Term 2. Pupils were given a homework project for Term 2 and produced wonderful castles and shields from recycled materials. The next two terms we will learn about The Romans and Under the Sea and we look forward to community involvement with those at sea from Barra and Vatersay.
School Day
Open 9.15 am
Interval 11.00 – 11.15 am
Lunch 13.00 – 13.50 pm
Close 15.20 pm
Head Teacher: S Forman
Primary | Position |
M MacLean | Depute Head Teacher |
J Campbell | Teacher (P1-3) |
L Martin | Teacher (P4-7) |
K MacKinnon | ASN Teacher |
Non-Teaching, Support Staff and Catering Staff
JJ Galbraith | School Assistant |
S MacNeil | Support for Learning Assistant |
F Campbell | Cook |
R Manford | Cleaner |
Parent Forum and Parent Council
Parent Forum
All parents are automatically members of a Parent Forum at their child’s school. As members of the Parent Forum parents have a say in selecting the Parent Council (the representative body) which works on behalf of all parents at the school.
Parent Council
The role of the Parent Council is to:
- support the school in its work with pupils
- represent the views of all parents
- encourage links between the school, parents, pupils, pre school groups and the wider community
- report back to the Parent Forum
The Chair of our Parent Council is Carrie MacKinnon who can be contacted by email at:
For more information on the Act or to find out about parents as partners in the children’s learning please contact the school or visit the Parent Zone website:
The current school roll is as follows:
P1 = 4
P2 = 1
P3 = 4
P4 = 3
P5 = 5
P6 = 0
P7 = 0
We are delighted to announce that as of Monday 24th February 2020, Castlebay School Nursery will operate a full day service. Our new opening hours will be Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.30pm. These opening times will be available in both playrooms. We will be offering a full year service, with both playrooms open during term-time and one bi-lingual playroom open during holiday periods. This is an exciting time and we hope that this service will be an extended support for our island families. Thanks to all parents and carers for assisting in this transition period. For further information, please contact the school office, thanks.
Computing Science
Computing Science at National 5 will help candidates to understand computational processes and thinking. It covers a number of unifying themes that are used to explore a variety of specialist areas, through practical and investigative tasks. The course highlights how computing professionals are problem-solvers and designers, and the far-reaching impact of information technology on our environment and society.
SQA N5 Computing:
SQA Higher Computing: