Hi World,
We have had another super busy week. On Monday we had a rehearsal for our WW2 sharing assembly and are improving with our lines hugely. Tuesday came quickly. We went to the book fair to look at some books. We then completed the Anne Frank books we started making on the I Pads last week. On Wednesday we all met in the hall at 11’o clock for a 2 minute silence. We completed the floor book ready for the open afternoon the next day. We then did French, revising the 4 basic questions. On Thursday we had an assembly. In the afternoon we had German with Frau Rosmanith. We played battle ships which were helping us to revise our numbers and alphabet. After German we had an open afternoon. This is when parents come in for the afternoon to look at all your work with you. While some parents were in we had the task of designing a war memorial. Today the whole school came in onesies and wellies to raise money for Children In Need. We also had a bake sale during break. We managed to raise £160.25. We had another rehearsal and are getting even better than on Monday and are getting excited for our actual performance. We have been very busy this week and are ready for our weekend again.