Lesson Plan – French Colours

Class/Group: Primary 2 (early years) Lesson: French       Date: n/a

Previous Experience: The class have covered basic greetings and in their previous lesson, began introducing themselves (bonjour, au revoir, je m’appelle, j’ai six ans etc).

Area to be covered in this lesson: colours in French.

Working towards outcomes of a Curriculum for Excellence:

Listening for Information:I can listen to and show understanding of language from familiar voices and sources. MLAN 1-01c

Listening and Talking with Others:I can participate in a range of collaborative activities. MLAN 1-05b

Learning Intentions – 

  • I will practice/revise greetings and introductions.
  • I will learn new vocabulary for colours in French.

Success Criteria – 

  • With a partner, I will be able to recall two ways to introduce myself.
  • By the end of the lesson I will be able to hear and recognise 5 colours in French.

Setting the context/Beginning the lesson (Introduction)

  • In order to get the children thinking about French again, ask them to talk to their partner and feedback what they can remember in terms of ways to introduce themselves, and practice this.
  • Ask for volunteers to speak aloud and introduce themselves in French (something along the lines of “bonjour, je m’appelle Beth”).

Assessment (Circulate among pupils whilst they do this to hear types of discussions they are having. Check for correct pronunciation/ allow children to peer assess their partner and give feedback.)

Teaching the learning intentions (Development)

  • Introduce colours using flashcards (hold up and show the class as a whole), using choral repetition and a variety of volumes/tones/pitches to engage the children.
  • Begin to do this in smaller groups/ individually once they get used to the activity.
  • Flashcard activity: each child has 5 flashcards with different colours on them (red, blue, green, yellow, purple), they listen to a colour that is given to them in French and hold up which colour they think that correlates to.
  • Point out any cognates to the pupils (e.g. blue/bleu) that may help them to remember the vocabulary.

Assessment (This is important as it allows you to hear better who is pronouncing the colours correctly and who is not. Scan the room and check those who are correctly holding up the colours and those who may be struggling.)

Ending the lesson (Plenary)

  • In order to consolidate the new vocabulary and assess the pupils’ progress, shout out a colour (in French) and ask the children to find an object around them of that colour. This is a similar activity to earlier but by doing this it is putting the vocabulary into context.



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