Monthly Archives: January 2017

Unit 1 – B: Managing My Learning

  1. Managing My Learning – in this task I was asked to think about what helps me to learn and what hinders my learning. Once I had thought of a few examples I then thought about how I could manage these things.

  Activity 1

Complete the table below to identify and reflect on those factors and plan actions for each.

Recognition/ Reflection Action
What helps my learning? How can I utilise this?
Example: “Discussing the topic with others” ·         Set up a study group of like-minded peers

·         Engage with the online community

Asking for help when I need it ·         Email lecturers and tutors to get assistance with whatever I am struggling with instead of ignoring the issue.
Reading ·         Borrow as many books from the library as is necessary to help me to further understand certain topics and broaden my knowledge.
Taking a break ·         By taking a break by playing a sport I am able to relax my mind.



Recognition/Reflection Action
What hinders my learning? How can I address this factor?
Example: “I’m easily distracted” ·         Study in a place where distractions are minimal

·         Read lecture notes before the lecture and then take notes lectures to keep me focused

Panicking about deadlines ·         Keep a diary so I know exactly what needs to handed in and when

·         Manage my time carefully so that I leave plenty of time for assignments to be completed well.

Not taking detailed notes ·         Try to write notes that explain the point in as little words as possible so I am not writing big paragraphs that I don’t need.
Tiredness ·         Ensure I have a steady sleeping pattern