Tag Archives: BrightSparks

STEM career profile films

Our Bright Spark series of short films has recently been updated to include three more films. We hope they help young learners begin to make connections between the skills they have and are developing when engaging with Minecraft style games and 3D design software, and careers beyond formal education.

Kate McDougall, a civil engineer talks about her experience working on the £800 million Queensferry Crossing project and the upkeep of the current Forth Road Bridge.

Digital technology being used to document historic sites is the focus of our film with Dr. Lyn Wilson, a Heritage Scientist, who talks about digitally mapping sites like Mount Rushmore, Sydney Opera House and the Titan Crane in Glasgow.

heritage-scientist Lime

Finally, something a little less digital but just as important, Scott MacAskill a Lime Specialist, gives us an insight into his work. Scott repairs and maintains historic sites using traditional methods and materials. It’s fascinating work and we get a detailed look the process as well as hearing how Scott arrived at his chosen career after being diagnosed with dyslexia as a teenager.

If you haven’t seen the other films then do have a look. BBC Scotland Learning also produce loads of School radio programmes for 1st level and 2nd level which you can subscribe to in one easy click and our Dream Jobs series covers lots of different careers, from trauma medicine to video games design to First Minister for Scotland!   Have a look around and let us know what you think by keeping in touch via Twitter.

Lochgilphead High School visit their landmark

We’ve uploaded a new video to our BBC Build It Scotland site.

This one follows Lochgilphead High as three of their first year students visit Inveraray Castle to suss out their location ahead of their digital building.

Their teacher, Colin Spark, talks about the progress the children have been making in their project and what he and they are getting out of the project.

Do have a look at the film and at our range of other shorts which cover everything from getting started with Tinkercad, to what it’s like to be a professional Lego builder, to taking part using a Raspberry Pi.

And keep an eye on our site as we’ll be making a few changes over the next week or so. Watch this space!

MORE bright sparks

We have added some new Bright Sparks videos to our site.

The latest videos show two very different STEM related careers with a surprising link.

Lego_Kelpies Kelpies





If Lego Model Making or Sculpting sound like fun, then you’ll definitely get something out of these short profile films.

Bright sparks

If you head over to the BBC Build It Scotland site then you’ll see that we have added some new video content.


Our Bright Spark series of short films show what it’s like to have a STEM related job- whether it be as an architect,  a video games designer or producer, professional Lego builder or designer of the Kelpies in Falkirk. More videos will be added in upcoming weeks so do keep an eye on the site.

The films are purposely designed to be viewed by an audience of any age, there’s something in them for everyone. They’re perfect inspiration for anyone who has an interest in digital creativity and great examples of how an interest in games and digital designing can lead to a variety of careers both in front of and away from a computer screen!
