Day 4 part 1

Bush craft

This morning we did bush crafting and we had to build shelters to protect us from the elements. There are two different types of shelters such as: an A frame and a lean to shelter, we decided to go with an A shelter. We began construction by putting a Y frame and a skeleton then adding the spine. We then gathered lots of foliage and placing it on the outside to make it weather proof. Once we finished the den part we constructed the stone wall outside our den.

Jacobs ladder
This is where you climb up a giant ladder that get further and further Apart the higher you go. At first look we felt quite confident that we could achieve this but once you got to the middle it got much harder. Before we got on we all had a target height lots wanted to reach the top – most of us made it half way but Emma incredibly made it to the top!!!! This is higher than some of the instructors had been. This task is easier when you work as a team and help each other up. This has really reinforced out team work skills and taught us to try different techniques to overcome different challenges.

This is a combat skill using foils (swords) you wear safety equipment – a tabard covers your body and a mask with a metal mesh and neck protector. We were taught taught the correct footwork (you can only move forwards and backwards – not left and right) and how to hold the foil. Finally we got to fight each other. This was pretty exciting although it was slightly nerve racking and some people were watching.

This morning group I went canoeing this was really fun. There were three people in each boat and we all had a paddle each. You had to follow a certain pattern when paddling to make the boat move smoothly. We learnt to paddle forwards, backward and how to turn the boat around. We all tried to stand on the boat and paddle – this didn’t always work sos well! We played a game called fruit salad where we all different fruits and had swap onto other people’s boats.

The Final Day😪

The final day has come. After an incredible week where we have climbed mountains, conquered fears and exceeded all our goals, it was time to say good bye to Barcaple but not without one last morning of team challenges. Everyone came together and put all their newly learnt skills to the test. With team work, perseverance, communication and determination there is nothing that Wellington School’s P6 can’t conquer. After some fiercely fought competition the blue team came out victorious.

However it is fair to say we are all winners this week (cheesy but true). Every aspect of this week has been exceptional. The children have been a credit to the school and their families, the sun has shone and the facilities and staff at Barcaple have been fantastic. A huge thank you to everyone involved.

Miss Lamont, Mrs Loughlin & Mrs Mackezie

Day 4

Hello, we are the yellow group: Carly, Lucy, Cameron, Rebecca, Joanna, Murray, Elliot and Ara.

Today we did four activities which included abseiling, archery, blind trail and the zip wire!

Abseiling was excellent. As I climbed up to one of the two trees supporting the activity I felt slightly nervous about the fact that I was about to jump off a tree that was around 20 metres high. I scuttled over the unsteady rope bridge and emerged at the tree housing the ropes . I was hooked on to a safety rope by a steel clip and told to, in my own time, to jump. Slowly but surely I lowered myself down the the tree trunk it was a strange feeling but it was fun at the same time. I sped up, and before I knew it,I was at the bottom.

Archery was fandabiedosie. It was hard to load the arrow. I couldn’t even hit the target! First you have to put the arrow in the plastic arch. After that, you pull it back to your mouth and then you let go!!!

Next we did the blind trail it was exwizit. We had goggles on that the lenses where swapped with mirrors. It felt like ages because we had lost the sense of sight. When we finished the course we took the goggles off and did the course again but we could see.

After the blind trail, we did the zip wire. It was incredible! Our insides were left behind because we were going so quickly. I felt like I was going at speed of light. We were only clipped on to a rope that was attached to the wire. I was really nervous but at the top I just jumped off!

Hello we are the blue group : Matthew Euan Katie M Brooke Max Beth Jocelyne Emily .

Canoeing was great. We started off by learning the rowing teqnice on land then we went in the water. Since I was new to this I felt quite nervous but also excited. Emily and I/ Euan pushed off the deck into the baltic lake in our little canoe. After we all got in our canoe we were told to find different ways to turn the canoes… after a minute or two we started to get the hang of it after those painfull minutes of embarressment we managed the impossible (in other words, we learned to turn a canoe.) After that we played a little game where the instructor tossed about a dozen tennis balls into the water which we had to retrieve in our canoes. When you got the balls you were supposed to throw them into other canoes. I thought it was only 2 minutes but of course it turn out to be about 10 minutes well I guess time flies when your having fun, and I was having lots off fun in that mini canoe in that ice lake on a beautiful Thursday. The. It was time for the real fun. The time we’ve all been waiting for… It was time to JUMP IN!!! 😀 As we got on the shaky platform in the middle of the chilly lake we all got a bit more excited but also the slightest bit scared of the huge artic lake in front off us. We got ready to jump in these ferocious waters then 1 at a time we jumped in… It was FREEZING!!!😧 Some people swam to the deck some couldn’t take the cold water I know I couldn’t so me and other people took a canoe back. Finally, we made it back to the deck, the shivering people stood drenched head to toe in water most of the people thought it was fun and painful but worth it then we got changed and had a delicious lunch.

In the morning the red groups activities were Crate climbing and orienteering. In Crate climbing we passed crates to build as high as we could in ten minutes. Once the time was up, we tried to push each other off of the tower. Hugh and Charlie got to 8 crates high and Hugh stayed on the longest. Faris, Ruaridh, Gabriella and Elsa also got to 8 crates high, however Katie T and Logan got to 7 crates high.

In Orientierin, we received maps of Barcaple and we tried to find the Simpson family around the area. After we found the Simpsons, we had a race to see who could find all 12 things with twelve maps, however they were scattered everywhere.

In the afternoon, the red group’s activities were tree climbing and the Ropes Course. In the tree climb, everyone made it to the top of the tree but even though Katie did not, she did amazingly well for someone who is scared of heights.👍🏻

After that we did the Ropes course which was made up of Rope obstacles. It was very challenging for everyone but we succeeded in the course. However Logan’s shoes were stolen by our instructor Alastair which was hilarious 😜

We also cannot wait for the bonfire tonight.😀 By Charlie, Faris and Hugh

In the morning the orange group went zip wiring. It was extremely fun and fast. We found it very exciting and we all manged to complete it. Later on we went on the Blind trail challenge which meant we had to wear Blindfolded goggles and go through different obstacles from tires to going through nets and going under planks of wood everybody managed to do it safely we all enjoyed it!

Later on in the afternoon we went Crate climbing and Orientieren. When we got to the Crate climbing we had to do a lot of pulling, climbing and balancing. Most of us made it to 9 crates and then pushed each other off but luckily we were wearing harnesses to keep us from getting hurt.We all enjoyed that activity!

Then we did Orientieren which was map reading. We had to do a couple of activities which involved signs and pictures to keep us right. Everyone in the Orange group enjoyed their last full day in Barcaple!

We are looking forward to have our bonfire tonight!

By 😀Aaran and Ethan.



Day 3


After a wonderful night’s sleep Red group began the day with abseiling. Looking up the tree was as tall as a tower. Shout out to Katie who conquered her fear of heights and completed the challenge! We all had a awesome time.

Next we had an archery lesson. Faris, Charlie and Hugh all managed to hit the red and everyone else improved. Everyone had a good time.

As we zoomed down the zip wire, our toes brushed the leaves. We all got three goes which was fantastic, but the cage got stuck on my last go and I was dangling in the air for ages. Last of all we did the blind trail with goggles that you can’t see through. When we took them off, we managed to do the obstacle course that took about an hour with the goggles in about five minutes. – Ruaridh & Faris

Today at Barcaple, the blue group went to do a forest adventure in Screel Hill. After walking for a while, we all stopped off at a pond and looked at some newts. We also got touch them and learnt that they are amphibians who can live on land and in water. One of the most important things we learnt was that smugglers used to use Heston island to smuggle in tea, coffee, alcohol, sugar and also tobacco. Robert Burns used to catch them while he was a tax man in the area. Later on in the day, we went to the challenge course which had a number of obstacles, such as climbing and scrambling nets, stepping stone challenge, using team work, tyre tunnel and much more. At the beginning, the team were not very good at using team work, but throughout the activity, we made a lot of progress. At the end, I learnt to always use my team as a helping hand, because there is no I in team.🌅🙋🏼 – Brooke

Today, the orange group went canoeing. For canoeing you were in a canoe with a partner; I was with Kate. I learnt that to turn you need both people on the same side paddling forward. The other way is one person paddles forward on the one side, the other paddles on the other side backwards. At the end, if you wanted to, you could jump in the water. It was Baltic!

Later on, we went abseiling down a gigantic tree. We were attached on to a safety rope, as well as a ropes that we could use to control our speed. To do that you had to slide your hands down the rope, I found it helpful that I could control my own speed. After that, we did archery. Firstly, we learnt how to load the arrow. To do that, you took the arrow by the top and placed it on the arrow rest. Once we had done that, we fired the arrows. Then we played a couple of games, then sadly it was time to go. – Libby & Kate

Today, the yellow group went and started the challenge course. It was very challenging and fun. There was a lot of interesting and creative challenges, like the chicken coop, which was set in the dark and we had to Navigate our way through the place.We also carried a pipe, a bucket of water and an egg. We named it Eggburt. I found this challenge course very helpful for making me fit, challenging me and making me do things I never knew I could do. Next we went and did canoeing. It was very hard and exciting and fun and got easier as we go used to it. – Murray & Ara


Day 2

We got up after a reasonably good sleep. At breakfast I had cereal and toast it was yummy. Some people fancied a hot breakfast  so they had potato scone and a  slice of bacon they said it was amazing👍🏻

Then the  orange group got ready for forest adventure. We got all our stuff in our back packs and hopped in a mini bus. When we got there we leant that the lines on the map were called contours and there was different routes on the map.

We then had a walk, after a little bit we stopped and saw some fallen trees they looked great and were a great shelter.

When we came back down the hill we were told about a food you could eat called Forest Sorrel it tasted like apple and a bit like herbs.

After that we came home and had lunch …

When a challenge arose. We were going to face the challenge course! We strapped up our helmets and made our way up the hill to the course. We discovered that it was not just us that had to travel through the challenging course but we were to be joined by Egbert the egg, a bucket of water and a pipe. Us, including our two materials and one companion got started. We were half way through the course when we had a casualty. EGBERT DIED! But we soldiered on with our two materials into a chicken coop in pitch black. After banging around we found a trapdoor up the way. Shortly after the we finished the course successfully with our water and pipe.

Today the red group did the challenge course and canoeing. The challenge course required using all the members of your team to complete the challenges.We had to get a bucket of water,a wee pipe and an egg called Egbert over the obstacles. The first challenge was heights and we had to climb over a big high rope  the second was to make your way through a big pipe. The third obstacle was pitch black and the last 5 were basically a huge obstacle course. We got 76 points out of 85 awarded,for teamwork and challenge ability. It was really fun.

In the afternoon we headed to the water side to take on canoeing. We played a pirate game where tennis balls were in the water and the biggest and the yellow and red tennis balls were the bombs. In the second round our instructor Anna was the treasure island and we had to try to throw our tennis balls onto her ship to get points. In the end most of us jumped in and the water was FREEZING!!!!!!!

Today the blue group took part in crate climbing, orienteering, tree climbing and the ropes course. In the crate climbing we were in pairs and we all had jobs to help the climbing pair. We had great fun and we got to push each other off the  top at the end. During orienteering we learnt map skills to help us later in life and in pairs we went to find patterns, numbers and even the Simpsons. In the afternoon we took part in the tree climbing activity most of us made it right to the top and all of us achieved our target height. At the ropes course we had to work together to lose as little lives as possible. We took on many obstacles such as tires, ropes and there was even a net that got smaller and tighter as we went through it. We had an awesome time.

Today the yellow group had the challenge of tree climbing, ropes course and Forrest adventure. Firstly we had the challenging tree climb, some of the group were very ambitious and made it all the way to the top though I only made halfway. In this activity I learnt to believe in myself.

Secondly my group had the task of completing the ropes course. This tests all your abilities having to complete the balancing ropes and tires to climb as well as crawling through nets. What I learnt most in this was just to have fun.

Finally we attended forest adventure where we searched a pond for Quartz. We found loads of stunning Quartz especially one that an instructor found being the size of a babies hand. I found this amazing by how much Quartz we found this tiny pond.



Day 1

Today is the first day at Barcaple and we got into coloured groups, orange, yellow, red and blue. We also got our room mates. The orange group did tree climbing first and we each got two shots. Kiera and Ethan both got to the top. “The scariest part was when I thought I was going to fall but I had so much fun.” Kiera said.


After we did tree climbing we did a ropes course it was sooooo much fun. We had to get past obstacles and at the end there was a slide that we went on twice. “It was terrific!” Said Summer.

Today at Barcaple, the blue groups first activity was the zip wiring, and it was absolutely amazing. Whilst I was having a turn, I was posing upside down and posing too. After the children had their turns, Mrs McKensie had one as well.

As well as zip wiring, we also did the blind trail, and everyone looked histericle with their blind folds on. There was also a moment when I was absolutely terrified, because we had to go in a very tight tube, and I didn’t like that because I am claustrophobic.

Today at Barcaple the yellow group first did Orienteering. It was really exciting! The girl’s won twice and worked well as a team and so did I the boy’s but the girl’s beat them.

Also the yellow team did crate climbing. It was soooo scary because the crates kept on wobbling but luckily we were on harnesses. Carly and Lucy went 4 crates high, Rebbeca and I went 5 crates high, Murray and Ara went 6 crates high and Cameron and Eliot did a whopping 7 crates. It was amazing! -Joanna

Today, the red group hopped into a minibus and drove to the forest adventure site! Our staff member told us about trees and taught us a game called ‘The floor is lava.’ There was tree stumps and we had to jump onto them when he shouted ” The floor is lava!” We also got amazing views of the mountains and valleys! ” It was lovely to hear birds and the wind rustling the trees!” – Gabriella



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