We are the Scottish Division of Educational Psychologists (SDEP) Anti Racist Work Stream.
We are a group of Educational Psychologists who are
dedicated to tackling and eradicating racism.
We recognise that racism exists, that it is a structural issue with pervasive
effects in our society and that it goes beyond the conscious thoughts and behaviours of individuals.
We are aware of the biases that we hold and how these influence our day-to-day interactions and the cultures we work within. We are committed to engage in ongoing learning in order to progress on our journey towards anti-racism. This requires us to offer a sustained and active commitment to our own and others understanding of anti-racism.
In this website you can find all the information you need to know about what we have been working towards, learning about and committed to.
Click through the tabs to learn more about our:
National anti-racism training
Anti-racist network
Work strands