S3 Drama

What will I learn?

To create performances by responding creatively to stimuli with an awareness of plot, genre, target audience, purpose and style

To use my voice and movement effectively to display character

To respond critically to performance both professional and by my peers

To use theatre arts to enhance performances


How will I learn?

The majority of activities in Drama involve creating and presenting and are practical and experiential.

There will be opportunities to perform or present to an audience.

There will be opportunities to work in partnership with professional performers or artists and other creative adults.

How will I be assessed?

In drama we assess three main areas of learning; creating, presenting and evaluating. Teachers will gather evidence of progress in these areas as part of each pupil’s day-to-day learning. Evidence of progress will also be demonstrated through pupils’ abilities and skills in communicating in different ways, solving problems creatively, and justifying their opinions of their own and others’ work.

Career Opportunities

Actor, circus performer, Advertising, Teaching, Costume, PR, Stage management, Events management, Researcher, Drama Therapy, TV/Film/ Theatre producer, TV/Film/Theatre director, Playwright, musical director, speech therapy, armourer, retail, foley operator, TV floor manager, Voice over artist, Stunt designer, Sound, Festival organiser, Dramaturg, Youth work, Charity work, Puppeteer, tour guide, Youth theatre leader, Set design, Box office manager, Lighting, Usher, Critic, Dresser, Education officer, lecturer, TV/Film production runner, make-up etc.