Digital Technologies – eBooks 06/02/18

In today’s class I learned how to make a multimodal eBook through working as a group to create an eBook brochure and summarising a book individually.  My understanding of the benefits eBooks have has expanded, as my understanding beforehand was vague.  It was very interesting to see how lesson plans can be made through apps such as Book Creator, and how many different areas of the curriculum using eBooks fits into.

An eBook is an electronic book which can be read on a computer or different devices such as iPads and phones.  At the beginning of the class we got into groups and discussed our understanding of the benefits eBooks have in classrooms (photo attached below, red pen was our knowledge before we explored Book Creator, blue pen was written after).  As my understanding has expanded I can now recognise the many different benefits eBooks have, such as how it makes reading fun for children as it is done on electronic devices.  EBooks are also portable, meaning children can read an unlimited amount of books on their devices in different environments – such as outside (Jarvis, 2015).  They also make reading and creating texts in the 21st century modern, as the use of technology is ever-growing.  This meaning a connection is made between what children do in their spare time such as play games on iPads etc, with their learning. EBooks are a useful resource for teachers to use in classrooms also as they benefit children of all ages and abilities, this is due to aspects such as sound and videos which can be included within them.  Due to this, children who may struggle to read will benefit from using eBooks.  This being something printed books do not offer, therefore certain children may find it easier to engage with eBooks as they include many more key features which draw children in.

Due to watching tutorials on how to use Book Creator beforehand, I was confident with using it when it came to working as a group to complete an eBook brochure on student life at UWS.  To make this, we went a walk around the campus to take pictures and videos of main places within the university, such as the library and lecture theatres.  We were then able to add these into our multimodal eBook to make sure we had pictures and videos to support what we were writing.  Although we ran out of time to add on things we had wished to, this group task gave us the ability and further confidence to use Book Creator on our own.

The book I summarised on book creator was called “Giraffes Can’t Dance” which is about a giraffe called Gerald who can’t dance and lots of other animals make a joke out of him.  However, he meets a cricket who plays the violin and this is when he and all the other animals discover that he can dance! I think this would be a good book to read with children to teach them about the importance of being kind to each other and accepting differences.  Allowing the children to make a summary of this book on Book Creator after reading and talking about it would allow me to identify if the children have a good understanding of it.  Through this, children will have the opportunity to summarise a text and make it multimodal by including two or more semiotic systems, which are; linguistic, visual, audio, gestural and spatial.  (Beauchamp, 2012, p101) states that “ICT can allow pupils to record their thoughts in a wide variety of ways. They are able to write, draw, record both sound and video, or any combination of these depending on their age and ability.”  This shows how important it is to let children learn on apps such as Book Creator.  I feel as though this would be a good lesson as it draws in three areas within the curriculum – Literacy, Technologies and Health and Wellbeing.  This lesson if carried out would cover these curricular outcomes:

I recognise that each individual has a unique blend of abilities and needs. I contribute to making my school community one which values individuals equally and is a welcoming place for all. – HWB 0-10a / HWB 1-10a / HWB 2-10a / HWB 3-10a / HWB 4-10a

I can explore and experiment with digital technologies and can use what I learn to support and enhance my learning in different contexts. – TCH 1-01a

Using what I know about the features of different types of texts, I can find, select, sort and use information for a specific purpose. – LIT 1-14a

Therefore, today’s lesson gave me an understanding of how important eBooks are within the classroom and taught me the benefits they have for children and teachers.  I am now confident in using apps such as Book Creator to help me to create lessons in the future due to the group and individual task.  I am looking forward to introducing and assisting children in using eBooks in future years of teaching as I truly believe that it makes learning fun, whilst bringing in many different areas within the curriculum!



Beauchamp, G. (2012) ICT in the Primary School: From Pedagogy to Practice. Pearson.

Jarvis, M. (2015) Brilliant Ideas for Using ICT in the Classroom: A Very Practical Guide for Teachers and Lecturers. Routledge.




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